WISH Pause button under save button.

Tom Morris

Power User
I disable the Automatically disable communications in Axe-Edit. Would like to have a pause button located under the save button on the interface. something like this.wish.jpg
I just hit F8 - though I guess the convenience factor of that depends on your keyboard setup IE whether or not you have to hit a fn key first to activate the Function keys.

There's also the pause button in the top left of the screen to use.
FWIW... there's a pause button in the upper left corner of the window already ;)

Yes sir, just a bit of travel away from the save button. My next step after save is generally pause so I can demo scenes to see how my adjustments worked out.
Yes sir, just a bit of travel away from the save button. My next step after save is generally pause so I can demo scenes to see how my adjustments worked out.
Ah, gotcha.

Based on you avatar I'm going to guess you're also a Mac guy? Here's a little AppleScript that might help speed up your workflow a little too... just a few lines to cause Axe-Edit to trigger the save keyboard shortcut, wait a beat, and then trigger the pause shortcut (figure you could save it as a Service in Automator and then bind it to a keyboard shortcut like Command+Option+S or somethin so it's quick and easy to trigger)...

tell application "System Events" to tell process "Axe-Edit"
set frontmost to true
keystroke "s" using command down -- command+s key press
delay 0.8 -- may need to adjust if timing of key presses clash
key code 100 -- F8 key press
end tell

If you're unfamiliar with creating Services and setting them to keyboard shortcuts, here's the bullet points

  1. Launch Automator, make a new document and choose "Service" as the type.
  2. Set the "Service receives" pulldown to "no input" and the "in" pulldown to "Other..." and then choose the "Axe-Edit" application from the dialog that pops up (this way the service will only be in the "Services" menu when Axe-Edit is open, ideal, because this workflow is only applicable there).
  3. Using the filter box in the sidebar type in "applescript" to get the "Run AppleScript" Action (it's under the "Utilities" subsection of the Library), and drag and drop it to the "Drag action or files here to build your workflow".
  4. Copy and paste the above AppleScript to replace the "(* Your script goes here *)" part of the code that the "Run AppleScript" action you just dropped creates.
  5. Export the script and save it into ~/Library/Services, name it whatever you want (I name all my Axe-Edit specific Services so they start with Axe-Edit, just to make 'em easier to find), just make sure it ends with the ".workflow" extension.
  6. Now if you open System Preferences and go to the Keyboard prefpane under the "Shortcuts" tab you should see the automator workflow you just saved into your Home folder's Library/Services path (it'll be under "General", and listed as whatever you named the workflow)
  7. Make sure it's checked on in the column on the left so it's active, and click on "none" in the column on the right to get the "Add Shortcut" button, bind it to something unused by Axe-Edit like Command+Option+Saveautomator_workflow.pngkeyboard_shortcuts.png
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Ah, gotcha.

Based on you avatar I'm going to guess you're also a Mac guy? Here's a little AppleScript that might help speed up your workflow a little too... just a few lines to cause Axe-Edit to trigger the save keyboard shortcut, wait a beat, and then trigger the pause shortcut (figure you could save it as a Service in Automator and then bind it to a keyboard shortcut like Command+Option+S or somethin so it's quick and easy to trigger)...

tell application "System Events" to tell process "Axe-Edit"
set frontmost to true
keystroke "s" using command down -- command+s key press
delay 0.8 -- may need to adjust if timing of key presses clash
key code 100 -- F8 key press
end tell

If you're unfamiliar with creating Services and setting them to keyboard shortcuts, here's the bullet points

  1. Launch Automator, make a new document and choose "Service" as the type.
  2. Set the "Service receives" pulldown to "no input" and the "in" pulldown to "Other..." and then choose the "Axe-Edit" application from the dialog that pops up (this way the service will only be in the "Services" menu when Axe-Edit is open, ideal, because this workflow is only applicable there).
  3. Using the filter box in the sidebar type in "applescript" to get the "Run AppleScript" Action (it's under the "Utilities" subsection of the Library), and drag and drop it to the "Drag action or files here to build your workflow".
  4. Copy and paste the above AppleScript to replace the "(* Your script goes here *)" part of the code that the "Run AppleScript" action you just dropped creates.
  5. Export the script and save it into ~/Library/Services, name it whatever you want (I name all my Axe-Edit specific Services so they start with Axe-Edit, just to make 'em easier to find), just make sure it ends with the ".workflow" extension.
  6. Now if you open System Preferences and go to the Keyboard prefpane under the "Shortcuts" tab you should see the automator workflow you just saved into your Home folder's Library/Services path (it'll be under "General", and listed as whatever you named the workflow)
  7. Make sure it's checked on in the column on the left so it's active, and click on "none" in the column on the right to get the "Add Shortcut" button, bind it to something unused by Axe-Edit like Command+Option+SaveView attachment 39710View attachment 39711
Yes sir. Great idea. very nice. Loves me some AppleScript.
Ah, gotcha.

Based on you avatar I'm going to guess you're also a Mac guy? Here's a little AppleScript that might help speed up your workflow a little too... just a few lines to cause Axe-Edit to trigger the save keyboard shortcut, wait a beat, and then trigger the pause shortcut (figure you could save it as a Service in Automator and then bind it to a keyboard shortcut like Command+Option+S or somethin so it's quick and easy to trigger)...

tell application "System Events" to tell process "Axe-Edit"
set frontmost to true
keystroke "s" using command down -- command+s key press
delay 0.8 -- may need to adjust if timing of key presses clash
key code 100 -- F8 key press
end tell

If you're unfamiliar with creating Services and setting them to keyboard shortcuts, here's the bullet points

  1. Launch Automator, make a new document and choose "Service" as the type.
  2. Set the "Service receives" pulldown to "no input" and the "in" pulldown to "Other..." and then choose the "Axe-Edit" application from the dialog that pops up (this way the service will only be in the "Services" menu when Axe-Edit is open, ideal, because this workflow is only applicable there).
  3. Using the filter box in the sidebar type in "applescript" to get the "Run AppleScript" Action (it's under the "Utilities" subsection of the Library), and drag and drop it to the "Drag action or files here to build your workflow".
  4. Copy and paste the above AppleScript to replace the "(* Your script goes here *)" part of the code that the "Run AppleScript" action you just dropped creates.
  5. Export the script and save it into ~/Library/Services, name it whatever you want (I name all my Axe-Edit specific Services so they start with Axe-Edit, just to make 'em easier to find), just make sure it ends with the ".workflow" extension.
  6. Now if you open System Preferences and go to the Keyboard prefpane under the "Shortcuts" tab you should see the automator workflow you just saved into your Home folder's Library/Services path (it'll be under "General", and listed as whatever you named the workflow)
  7. Make sure it's checked on in the column on the left so it's active, and click on "none" in the column on the right to get the "Add Shortcut" button, bind it to something unused by Axe-Edit like Command+Option+SaveView attachment 39710View attachment 39711

Oh yeah! Gotta try this out today. Thanks @h.c.e. for sharing :)
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