Wish Wish list feature Edit lock for FM9


So just thought of a feature I'd love to see on the FM9. I had switched my usb for the editor from my computer over to my tablet which has touch screen. I had my bassman preset open. I must have done something cause the volumes all changed low. No other preset was affected so I must have unconsciously touched something.
It would be nice to have a global lock on all settings and you have to click "unlock" to edit.
I'm in IT and there are certain devices I work with that have this, such as our Watchguard firewall.
It could be just a one click option that would unlock for editing.
Not even sure how this happened. The volume was affected on the same preset on 4 different amp channels. I can't see how I accidentally touched something on 4 different channels.
There have been wishes for various "locking" capabilities for a long time...

As a "pro tip" I'd suggest changing your thread title to be about the actual wish like "Setting Lock" or something similar.

Your current post title gives no real information as it doesn't refer to the actual wish, and the title is redundant as it's in the FM9 Wish List forum ;)
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