Will the Axe FX II XL+ have updates now?


Hi, I’m receiving my new Axe II XL+ soon, I’d like to know if this product, as it is still available, will keep having updates or if it is already abandoned for the Axe III.
Thank you.
I read somewhere that some models or fx from the III were already made compatible for the II users? I thought that was the intention from Fractal. Just asking.
I read somewhere that some models or fx from the III were already made compatible for the II users? I thought that was the intention from Fractal. Just asking.
There hasn't been any news or hints on any modelling/fx improvements or advancements comming to the Axe FX 2, since the surprise release of Quantum 10 (Then, 10.01 on May 11).

Though, in response to a new amp model, that is in the AX8, but not Axe 2, Cliff responded with "Soon". If you can take anything from that, that's all you've got.
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Ouch. So no more improvements, finished product. Coming from the constant updates of the kemper, this is weird. Wondering if I should have gone for the III then.:(
What was communicated at the release of the III was that the II would still receive updates that were compatible. Clearly that was an ambitious goal because they've been too consumed with the III and other new products. It would've been nice to still receive updates here and there, but the II is old and not their flagship model. Loss of support was inevitable. I expected this, so I'm not disappointed. Anyone thinking about buying a unit should have considered this before pulling the trigger on a unit. Making sad faces and comparing the Axe to a Kemper isn't going to win you any sympathy points on this forum. Suck it up, buttercup. You still got a great product.
Ouch. So no more improvements, finished product. Coming from the constant updates of the kemper, this is weird. Wondering if I should have gone for the III then.:(
If you wanted updates, you probably should have gotten the III...

I'm not sure why you think it's weird? The Axe Fx II was replaced by the III because Fractal wanted to extend the modeling beyond what the platform supported.

It is now a "legacy" unit and any updates should be considered as a bonus.
For what it’s worth, I owned a KPA for about a year, not one update in that time.

I bought my Axe II at firmware 4 or 5, in the time I owned it there were like 25 or so major firmware updates and probably 100+ minor updates

I’ve owned my III since firmware 1.01 and now we are already up to firmware 1.15 (with a public 1.16 beta) and that has been just a few months of ownership.

To suggest Kemper has “constant” updates.... lol
To suggest Kemper has “constant” updates.... lol

Yeah that made me laugh too.

Ouch. So no more improvements, finished product. Coming from the constant updates of the kemper, this is weird. Wondering if I should have gone for the III then.:(
Think of it like this, this thing is fully baked.
Even at firmware 1.xx when it first came out, the AF II set the standard for others to follow.
I got my hands on one the first few weeks it came out. I had NO problem handing over $2200 for this what I though of at the time, was a unit (that could not get any better). I even would have paid that $2200 just for the effects alone.

Over the past 5-6 years, I was proven wrong. It did better! Amp modeling got better, the wah got better, Allot of tweaks to the effects in general. And then there was Quantum -----
Out of all of these updates some of them have been really game changing to the point, were after a update it sounds like you have a brand new unit.

So basically @soundroi you did not come for the ride with allot of us and that's fine.
But like said above you are now the owner of a fully baked Axe Fx II (sounds pretty good to me!)
If it needed nothing, there would be no reason for Axe 3 to exist.
There were plenty wishes in the wishlist that were hanging around forever, and only fulfilled in the Axe 3.

So do you mean there are gaps when changing X/Y parameters???
There is a tiny audio gap when switching amp models, by switching the X/Y of the amp block.
A bigger one when switching presets.

However, as is, the gap of X/Y switching is not noticeable in a gig situation.
I thought it was a bigger problem than it is before, and I was really bugging the forums about that. I think that may be because i was doing the switching through USB, not MIDI, which may have added a bigger gap, that was noticable. Both of my bands use X/Y switching for amps, with either a MIDI player or Midi pedals, and don't ever notice anything. So, don't worry about it.
Also, there is a work-around for that: Using two Amp blocks and switching between them. That is completely gapless.

Cliff claims that switching in the Axe 3 is completely gapless, tho I can't confirm that.
... and, was there a fix for that in AX8? If so, awesome.
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Ouch. So no more improvements, finished product. Coming from the constant updates of the kemper, this is weird. Wondering if I should have gone for the III then.:(
Back in it's prime, Axe 2 was getting an update every month or so.
Was always very exciting. Miss those times.
However, as is, the gap of X/Y switching is not noticeable in a gig situation.
As has been discussed before, this is completely dependent on the user and use case.

I had one particular situation where I required changing from clean to lead with absolutely NO break and it was impossible. No matter what I did...

Fortunately I could use 2 Amp blocks to work around that.

In the case where you have even a slight "natural break" in the music between changes it works fine.
Ouch. So no more improvements, finished product. Coming from the constant updates of the kemper, this is weird. Wondering if I should have gone for the III then.:(

I really wouldn't worry about it. I'm still not convinced the III is worth the upgrade unless you make a living somehow from it.
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