Wierd sounds when plugging in acoustic


New Member

When I plug in my acoustic guitar the crackle of puttning the instrument cable in the input jack generates a massive input gain peak. Nothing wierd about that, all guitars do. But when I start playing, the first second or so always sounds distorted, and then the distorting disappears and it sounds suuuper compressed. You can hear the volume drop when you strum the guitar as if you used a compressor on crazy intense settings. Like 3 seconds later everything is back to normal and it sounds as you would expect.

I've tried different acoustic guitars, and the same wierd thing happens all the time.

Anyone had the same experience? Might it be that the massive peak when plugging the guitar triggers this somehow? Maybe as a protection for your (and the audience) ears if the signal suddenly peaks? Or is it just a wierd bug?
What monitors/speakers are you playing through? Sounds like a monitor 'issue' rather than an FM9 problem.
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