When changing to a new preset and then returning, can it go to the last used Scene?

Hello. If I save Preset 1 with Scene 3 selected it always defaults to Scene 3 when I return to that preset. Is there a way I can set it so that rather than returning to the default Scene 3 whenever I return to that preset, it goes to the last Scene I was using?
If you are bouncing back and forth between presets, perhaps while performing, then look into the Setlists and Songs layouts. Instead of bouncing around between presets and having to change to the scene you want, you can predefine a song as separate sections using scenes from multiple presets, then step through them. You can move forward through the sections of a song if you set up the song with the sections in the order you need, or move forward and backward to bounce between two sections.

Setlists and Songs are another optional layer above presets and scenes that free us from the usual navigational constraints like you're asking about.

The Setlists and Songs feature added additional options to the FC layouts, so read through the Setlists/Songs Mini Manual or p. 110 in the FM9 manual, and experiment with the layouts to see what other things you can do. It's pretty cool.
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