When AI gets a little lost...


Fractal Fanatic
Google search: "Analog dry through vs ADA conversion"

AI answer:

Analog dry through is a feature of some digital effects pedals, while ADA conversion is a process for converting Cardano to USD:
  • Analog dry through
    A feature of some digital effects pedals that splits the incoming guitar or bass signal. One side is converted to digital and sent through the effects processing, while the dry signal is sent straight through to the output without being converted to digital.

  • ADA conversion
    A process for converting Cardano to USD. To convert ADA to USD, one can create a free Kraken account, connect a funding method, and then convert ADA to USD.
Analog signals are continuous, while digital signals are made up of individual points. Analog delay is often preferred for its warm, organic, and slightly unpredictable repeats, while digital delay is better for its MIDI-accurate delay that is crisper and cleaner.
A for effort, right?

Who's with me? Maybe we're on the verge of a new golden touch? Maybe that's Cliff's new invention?
Well, I think the problem is the acronym... If you spelled it out I'm sure you'd get better results.

You'd think the context would help guide it to use the right definition, though.
Well, I think the problem is the acronym... If you spelled it out I'm sure you'd get better results.

You'd think the context would help guide it to use the right definition, though.
I just thought the response was awesome. I have a little Cardano.
Google search?
Gemini yields an exhaustive response
yup, the answers are funny sometimes (I use Claude) but as Unix-guy said, you still have to provide a context to your prompt. Claude even provides a prompt builder that you can adjust accordingly from your initial text
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