What's the easiest way to save amp settings to global?


Fractal Fanatic
I have a number of presets created with unlinked amp blocks that I now want to add to the Global bank. Given that it still doesn't seem to be possible to save just the X or Y state of a given amp block to a Global amp, what is the easiest way of copying the amp settings? Write them down on paper and dial them manually? Or can Axe-Edit help here? On second thoughts, maybe I should just save the whole amp to an unused Global amp slot? (I have about 4 left.)
If you're a bit confused over global blocks can I suggest you to search for Chris Katsukuri Media video...
Very we'll explained ... As usual
Probably linked to the wiki...
I think I understand what you're wanting to do: you might have an amp block with x set just the way you want it, and now you want to pull settings from a different amp block's x or y and save to ONLY the y side of your amp block (a global amp block, in your case). In other words, you're hoping to save *just* x (or y) of some unlinked amp block to a global block without overwriting 'y' on that global block. Is that the situation?

I can't remember: does saving a block into the Blocks Library save both the x and y of a block, and then restore both x and y into a block, or does it only apply those settings to the block that you're on? If it only restores to either x or y, but not both, then that may be a way of accomplishing what you're asking (in multiple steps). I kind of think the Blocks Library restores the entire block though (both x and y). I'm not sure if there's a way to copy/"paste" only the x or y side of a block into another block. I wish there was a way to do that.
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I think I understand what you're wanting to do: you might have an amp block with x set just the way you want it, and now you want to pull settings from a different amp block's x or y and save to ONLY the y side of your amp block (a global amp block, in your case). In other words, you're hoping to save *just* x (or y) of some unlinked amp block to a global block without overwriting 'y' on that global block. Is that the situation?

I can't remember: does saving a block into the Blocks Library save both the x and y of a block, and then restore both x and y into a block, or does it only apply those settings to the block that you're on? If it only restores to either x or y, but not both, then that may be a way of accomplishing what you're asking (in multiple steps). I kind of think the Blocks Library restores the entire block though (both x and y). I'm not sure if there's a way to copy/"paste" only the x or y side of a block into another block. I wish there was a way to do that.
Use Axe-Edit. Select the source Amp block > right-click X or Y > select Copy X (or Y) > switch to target preset > select Amp block > right-click X or Y > select Paste to X (or Y).

Excellent. Just what I was looking for! Thanks. :)
Use Axe-Edit. Select the source Amp block > right-click X or Y > select Copy X (or Y) > switch to target preset > select Amp block > right-click X or Y > select Paste to X (or Y).

So that only pastes in the settings to the variant (x or y) that's selected? Cool. I didn't realize that. So there ya go! (or there WE go, since I learned something new as well.) Thanks yek.
Man the OP question has me thinking that global blocks might be the solution I need. I have patch with plexi on x and vox on Y that I use with my mfc rig. I have the same preset set up twice for a liquid foot jr rig. The first loads with x on and the 2nd with Y (this is because with LF rig I don't use scenes or have and xy ia). If I add the plexi to a global block will it only globsize that plexi or does it want to globalize the vox as well

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