what power amp to buy?

I've got my AXE ultra and now an orange 4x12 cab, just need me a power amp. I'm looking for a good quality one that's not 293847923874982734 dollars. so ENGL is out of the picture. I play lots of metal, rock, and a bit of jazz and everything else. So metal/rock is at the forefront but I want a poweramp that's all around clear and versatile or whatever. Would people reccomend the Reactor FR Mono Block 50W Power Amp? Is it loud enough to be playing shows with and everything? What about competitors from Mesa or Carvin or anything? Pros and cons of various PA's under $1000? Reccomendations? Thanks.
SeanStephensen said:
I've got my AXE ultra and now an orange 4x12 cab, just need me a power amp. I'm looking for a good quality one that's not 293847923874982734 dollars. so ENGL is out of the picture. I play lots of metal, rock, and a bit of jazz and everything else. So metal/rock is at the forefront but I want a poweramp that's all around clear and versatile or whatever. Would people reccomend the Reactor FR Mono Block 50W Power Amp? Is it loud enough to be playing shows with and everything? What about competitors from Mesa or Carvin or anything? Pros and cons of various PA's under $1000? Reccomendations? Thanks.

With a $1,000 budget you can pretty much take your pick. You need to decide which way you want to go, SS or tube that will help you make your decision.
I use a VHT (now Freyette) 2/50/2 with my AXE-FX Ultra and a Marshall 4x12 in stereo. Sounds fantastic, can't beat a VHT... :!:
Not sure I agree with that. I personally went Axe-FX because of the versatility of sounds not because it didnt have valves in it. I use a VHT Power amp because personally I havent found a SS amp that sounds as good to me. it doesnt meant there not out there, but not cheaply at present. Offerings from Bryston, Lab Gruppen and higher end Crowns etc are I suspect as good or better than the VHT when used with the Axe - but I havent been able to try one.

there may be a cheaper option available in the Matrix Amps DADA has reviewed, and I am soon to get one to try so Ill add my thoughts then (and will directly compare it to the VHT in the same rig).
paulmapp8306 said:
Not sure I agree with that. I personally went Axe-FX because of the versatility of sounds not because it didnt have valves in it. I use a VHT Power amp because personally I havent found a SS amp that sounds as good to me. it doesnt meant there not out there, but not cheaply at present. Offerings from Bryston, Lab Gruppen and higher end Crowns etc are I suspect as good or better than the VHT when used with the Axe - but I havent been able to try one.

there may be a cheaper option available in the Matrix Amps DADA has reviewed, and I am soon to get one to try so Ill add my thoughts then (and will directly compare it to the VHT in the same rig).


That is good news! I am curious if the XT-800 will also kick the balls of the VHT.

Greetings and enjoy the test and 2011!
Just food for thought: Look at all the guitar greats using the Axe-Fx live (Vai, Petrucci, Broderick, Stevens, etc.), none of them go FRFR, they all use tube amps or tube power amps, wonder why...?
Just food for thought: Look at all the guitar greats using the Axe-Fx live (Vai, Petrucci, Broderick, Stevens, etc.), none of them go FRFR, they all use tube amps or tube power amps, wonder why...?

Devin Townsend goes direct to the PA.
Just food for thought: Look at all the guitar greats using the Axe-Fx live (Vai, Petrucci, Broderick, Stevens, etc.), none of them go FRFR, they all use tube amps or tube power amps, wonder why...?

That's a really interesting observation.

My guess is that they are, like most touring rockers who have established "their sound" over many years of constant rig tweakage, emotionally attached to their old amps and cabs. They are probably unwilling, at this stage, to make the commitment necessary to exchange the trust they've built up with their tube amps and guitar cabs for trust in FRFR. Maybe one day they will switch over to FRFR, but I think the switch to digital modeling itself was a big enough paradigm shift for them as it was. I think their reluctance has nothing to do with FRFR being inadequate, and everything to do with how far it (currently) sits outside their comfort zone.

Now, what puzzles me is why guys like Petrucci and Broderick don't acknowledge the Axe-FX as being in their current rigs on their own websites. My favorite ad hoc endorsement is the YouTube video from last May where Broderick shows his live rig back stage during a sound check, fires up Axe-Edit and explains some of the routing he uses. But that was 8 months ago...who knows what's in his rig today? Petrucci's testimonial quote on the FAS website is quaint in that it appears to be an endorsement but doesn't indicate in any way that he actually uses them. His testimonial quote isn't the only one like that either.

Makes me go hmmmm....
This is my setup too (Except I have a standard). It is superb sounding.

I also go through a two channel tube amp into two 4x12's, but I am using two monoblock tube amps, not a VHT. However, I used to own a VHT 2-50-2, and my monoblock tube amps actually sound better. I also owned an audiophile tube amp that I had purchased off of ebay which sounded as good as the VHT. I'm not knocking the VHT, just pointing out that any good 2 channel tube amp will kick butt. From what SS amps I've tried, I'm guessing (yes guessing) you would have to go a much higher wattage Class A/B SS amp (say 800-1500 watts/ch.) to get the same punch as the lower powered tube amps.
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