What power amp and cab do you recommend with the AXE FX 2?

TTC Guitar

New Member
I'm new here. I plan to purchase my Axe Fx 2 in the next 6 months but I want a plan first of what to buy with it. I'm interested in a rackmount power amp and a speaker cabinet or some kind of speaker set up (something that will sound great from the stage). Lighter and smaller is better! I don't want big and heavy so I'm thinking a 1x12 or 2x12 cab. at the most. For live music in larger venues I would also go direct through the house system or mic the cab, so I don't need huge power. I play a variety of styles: country, blues, classic rock, hard rock, even some jazz and folk.

What would you recommend for power amp and speakers? Thanks for your help in advance.
I play thru a Matrix GT1000FX into two Marshall 4x12 cabs and get a great tone. Here is a video from Pete Thorn playing into a Bogner 1x12 and he gets a nice sound:

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