What is a Set List and Why Do I Need/Want it?


I see folks wanting the set list feature from the AX3 - In layman's terms, what it is and why do I need it? (want it)

At this point, I name each preset after the song I am playing in a sequential order and so how is the set list different and a better option? I imagine less space and presets used?
I see folks wanting the set list feature from the AX3 - In layman's terms, what it is and why do I need it? (want it)

At this point, I name each preset after the song I am playing in a sequential order and so how is the set list different and a better option? I imagine less space and presets used?
I think if most of your presets are based off of a template, you could very quickly set up a set list using your template presets instead of creating a preset for each song. You could also re-arrange them much more easily. The one feature missing for me to consider using this instead of the preset per song approach, is the ability to set the tempo for each song.
Sounds like a cool idea on paper but every gig I’ve ever played, at some point during the set someone switches songs on the fly lmao. I would be too worried about having to find the the right preset on the fly
at some point during the set someone switches songs on the fly lmao. I would be too worried about having to find the the right preset
How is that any different with or without a setlist? Just step up or down through the list, or always include one entry for fallback in case of a change, special request, or when the band leader calls an audible. Don't miss the other benefits, such as custom names for your Songs and Sections, as well as having the sounds for each song arranged in perfect order.
How is that any different with or without a setlist? Just step up or down through the list, or always include one entry for fallback in case of a change, special request, or when the band leader calls an audible. Don't miss the other benefits, such as custom names for your Songs and Sections, as well as having the sounds for each song arranged in perfect order.
My approach is different. I just use one or two presets the whole night to cover all ground. Don’t get me wrong though I I think it’s a very practical idea that I will still explore and test out. I’ve never been a fan of having a different sound for each song, but that could be also be due to me not fully understanding that whole approach
I like the fact that we all have the option to use it or not! For some setting up a list of specific presets for songs can be a daunting task depending on how many are needed.

I'm a little lazeyer about it and just build presets for certain sounds that work well with other songs that have a similar sound to them.
The point is that whether you use presets or the set list, you still face the exact same issue if you play out of order. It is easily remedied either way by scrolling to the proper song. There are plenty of other benefits that set lists provide that Matt alludes to, especially if you generally only use a couple of presets because you won’t experience gaps from jumping between presets in a single song and you’re likely already using tap tempo anyway which solves the “tempo per song” issue. The only way I could see tempo being a huge issue is if you have mapped backing tracks or other midi synced elements.
I think if most of your presets are based off of a template, you could very quickly set up a set list using your template presets instead of creating a preset for each song. You could also re-arrange them much more easily. The one feature missing for me to consider using this instead of the preset per song approach, is the ability to set the tempo for each song.
Yes, BPM is one driving factor, as is other settings and options. Just wasn't sure what the set list thing was all about.
It is going to be an absolute boon for my church gig. We only play 6 songs at a service but they are drawn from a list of 200 or so. I usually either copy the Presets I plan to use to a blank area I reserve for that purpose so that I'm not scrolling like crazy between songs, or I program an Airstep midi switcher to select them. Either way, the Songs/Setlists feature will make this much quicker and easier.
It is going to be an absolute boon for my church gig. We only play 6 songs at a service but they are drawn from a list of 200 or so. I usually either copy the Presets I plan to use to a blank area I reserve for that purpose so that I'm not scrolling like crazy between songs, or I program an Airstep midi switcher to select them. Either way, the Songs/Setlists feature will make this much quicker and easier.
Is there already a midi/sysex implementation of set lists? I can't find much on the forum either way.
I was primarily curious about what the "Set List" option is why folks want it?

It lets you define a different order for your songs without having to move presets around, which can be slow if you have a lot of songs and can potentially cause corrupted presets.

It's not as useful for folks that only use a few sounds for a whole gig, but it can be a Godsend if you use a ton of presets and play a different set every night.
I organize my AxeFX III and FM3 in the same way. For each of my bands, I have several dozen songs that we might perform. One of my bands has well over a hundred!
  • Every song has a dedicated preset, usually with multiple scenes for intro / verse / chorus / solo etc.
  • I maintain one master set list on my pedalboard that has every song in alphabetic order. It's accessible on my pedalboard from a single button press. At soundcheck, this is the "set list" that I use, so I can rapidly go to the song I need.
  • I create a set list on my pedal with the songs in the order that we'll perform them for that show. This is the set list I load at the end of soundcheck.
  • Skipping a song is no big deal. If we call an audible (make a substitution on the fly), I recall the master set list, find the song we're doing to do, then recall the night's list and advance back to where I left off.
For the record, I happen to use a Mastermind MMGT control pedal. Managing set lists on those pedals is a breeze. I love the FAS FC series, but I need to send USB commands from my pedal as well, and that's a handy feature of the MMGT.
@shawnfitz1222 I am personally excited about the feature coming to the FM9, however I am a little concerned with the gap issue (someone please correct me if I am wrong) when pulling scenes/sections from different presets. The Axe FX3 handles this quite well with little to no gap but I'm curious how it will translate over to the FM9. I've been messing with it on the Axe 3 and it's a very cool feature but I also do the same with my sets and have a preset per song but if I think this through moving forward I could probably get more organized. Will take some planning but after that would be easy enough to put together a quick setlist and also change things on the fly from the front panel if needed. I've had a few times where we've had special events with a larger setlist and they change the order and it's not always convenient to reorder the songs. The setlist feature will change that.
I'm very curious about the setlist function. I am in a cover band and we play about 40+ songs per gig, so this could be very handy, but we don't play to a click track, so I wonder if it would even work.
I'm very curious about the setlist function. I am in a cover band and we play about 40+ songs per gig, so this could be very handy, but we don't play to a click track, so I wonder if it would even work.
Playing to a click track isnt related to this feature. You can't set tempo to songs within the setlist feature. That was the only mention that may have issues with a click track but even then you can still use tap tempo as a workaround. I might be misunderstanding your statement though. From the looks of it, this feature would be very beneficial to you.
Playing to a click track isnt related to this feature. You can't set tempo to songs within the setlist feature. That was the only mention that may have issues with a click track but even then you can still use tap tempo as a workaround. I might be misunderstanding your statement though. From the looks of it, this feature would be very beneficial to you.
I figured that the switching between presets/scenes would require some form of automation like MIDI or a click track, that's why I mentioned it.
I figured that the switching between presets/scenes would require some form of automation like MIDI or a click track, that's why I mentioned it.

nope. There are a couple videos out there. Chris on the forum here has an in depth video and Leon T also put one out. . Check those out to get a better feel of howe they work.
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