What can Standard and Ultra owner's expect in future fw updates?

Post from Cliff:

"People wonder why there haven't been many firmware updates recently. The reason is the FLASH is nearly full. I've run out of tricks to find more memory. I'm reserving what little is left for amp models."
if thats the case, does anyone have any idea how many amp models we can expect until the flash is full?

are we talking one maybe two....or many more hopefully?
It's nice to hear there's consideration for some new amp models at least! More than I'd expect from any other company. :)
if thats the case, does anyone have any idea how many amp models we can expect until the flash is full?

are we talking one maybe two....or many more hopefully?
I believe there is space for about 200 in total.
I also believe a few dozen more may come eventually. But it could take some serious waiting.
I believe there is space for about 200 in total.
I also believe a few dozen more may come eventually. But it could take some serious waiting.[/QUOTE

Hi, where did you get that info from? I would love to see a Mesa lonestar and something from the Blackstar artisan range. N
Hopefully nothing. The focus should be on the II. The ultra and standard are mature products that stand on their own as is.
200 is a big number.. But I'll be happy with anything else we can get! The more support Fractal gives its products the more I want to buy things from them just to support their business.
I'd just love to see someone list 200 amps that they'd like to play. :razz

Focus should definitely be on the new toy; remember there's only guy making this stuff happen and the AxeFX is pretty much a fully functioning and complete product at this time. I'd like to see anything that can be ported over from AxeFXII that can improve the older models in any manner, but if we are left hanging out to dry with only 70 some odd amp models I don't think that any of us could really cry over it.
200 amps!!! Are you serious??!!

I've had the Ultra for 1 and a half years and I haven't gotten to half of the amp models.

Where would you get the time?
If amp are all that get added from here out, I'm cool with that. I honestly only use about 6 models for everything and of those 6 I use 2 80% of the time. So if more show up it doesn't really make much of a difference either way to me. I think the axefx1 has reached maturity and it is what it is. And what people lose sight of is that it's the #1 effects amp sim box there is (until axefx 2 hits the streets lol). we all want more and no matter what we are given we will still want more then that. And I guess if you want bigger and better you have to get the axefx 2, but I think the 1s are still beasts and they shouldn't be mislabeled as obsolete or any other derogatory term even if they don't change from here forward.
42 ? It would be awesome. Whatever, if Cliff keeps doing his best with the Axe-1 firmwares, I'll buy an Axe-III asap ! (I'm skipping the II for sure)
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