Weird sub-tones on some amps - Question


So there's this thing I sometimes run into when I'm trying various amps that I'm not sure what is, but it does bother me enough to make me just switch to another amp. So I was wondering if I'm doing something wrong or if it's just part of how certain amps operate? I don't really know a lot about the technicalities.

So basically it's that you can hear sort of a sub-tone behind everything you play, and it sounds almost like a ring modulator in the background and it moves in pitch along with your playing. In a mix I can't imagine this would be audible, but for playing and practicing it's noticeable and sounds a bit off-putting, at least to me.

I'll attach a short clip to show what I mean. It is most prominent in the mid/high register of the guitar, so you can hear it more clearly the higher up I play. The amp on the clip is the Supremo Trem model.


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