Wait for Axe 3 or buy 2XL



Looking to buy a second Axe Fx 2 XL as a backup but I'm really worried that we might be right around the corner from an Axe Fx 3 announcement (In which case I would rather buy a 3). With the new high-quality reverb and preamp blocks CPU power is as limiting as ever and it just seems like something that makes sense.

Could anyone from Fractal give any sort of timeframe for the development of a new model? (If possible of course)

It would be great to guide those looking to buy backup units right now...


I think and this is just a guess based on things I have read. We won't see an axe 3 for a while. We would need a significant jump in processor power before it would be worth it. Again just a guess.
It would also likely cause their current Axe II sales to go to zero.

Danny W.

That might be true. People would postpone buying in the couple of months preceding a launch. I guess it's a though business decision! Some industries have some really well defined product lifecycle and live with it (Apple/iPhone for example)

But anyways... I can't help but agree with you.
The Axe FX II has completely changed my guitar playing life. I have been running 3 rigs for about a year now (2 permanently installed in separate venues and a home/travel rig). Although there is no doubt that some day there will be a model with more CPU having rigs that I now play live with every week for outweighs waiting. It is also much more enjoyable to have separate rigs than to be going through setup and take down at 2 separate venues.

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