Wah via MIDI expression pedal?


Is it possible to have a midi expression pedal auto engage and control a wah pedal block? Similar to how it can be done with an expression pedal plugged into pedal 1 or 2 jacks?
Yes. I have 3 (of 4 total) midi expression pedals using auto engage.

I assign the CC# to one of the External Controllers. Assign the Controller to the Control parameter of the Wah and turn Auto Engage on in the modifier.
just one question to the experts..
Is the resolution via MIDI the same as using the PDL 1/2 ports or is it stepped down to 128 steps?
Thanks in advance
Stepped down to 128 for sure, but some small values in the attack and release modifier (~20ms or so) can help smooth that over without destroying the feel. But you do have me tempted to see if I like running the pdl port directly off the unit instead.
Thanks for the replies,
the zipper noises could be evened out, i`m more thinking about the "feel" of the (especially wah) pedal via MIDI or via the PDL 1/2 inputs.
Are there noticeable differencies? I`m thinking about getting a DA Midi BABY to connect my controller pedal via MIDI and using the PDL 1/2+3/4 ports for stand in switches.
TIA Alex
Stepped down to 128 for sure, but some small values in the attack and release modifier (~20ms or so) can help smooth that over without destroying the feel. But you do have me tempted to see if I like running the pdl port directly off the unit instead.
Thank you, pls let me know if you hear, feel, observe any differencies between those 2 types of triggering the wah, especially with slow parameter settings.
I used MIDI for wah with my Axe II and then pedal via my FC-12 on my Axe III. No noticeable difference in feel or action. Dividing the pedal range into 128 segments is still pretty fine for something you control with your foot with only about 20 or so degrees of rotation. Try moving your wah pedal 1/128th of it's available range.
I used MIDI for wah with my Axe II and then pedal via my FC-12 on my Axe III. No noticeable difference in feel or action. Dividing the pedal range into 128 segments is still pretty fine for something you control with your foot with only about 20 or so degrees of rotation. Try moving your wah pedal 1/128th of it's available range.
Ha, makes sense :cool:
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