Wah autoengage changes startvalue when saved


I connected my EB to the Axe yesterday to do some wah settings, and I set my startvalue to 5% which worked fine.
However, when I pressed Save to save the patch, my startvalue went up to 95%.
I tried to mock around with it, but I could not get it to save at 5%.

What am I doing wrong?
- jonah
Not sure.. check that all your other settings for the pedal are setup right - auto engage the pedal type ect...
I assume you mean "off val" rather than "start" value, and that you're using Axe-Edit. It looks like a bug. Setting source to none & back lets you save at 5% again but the other values get reset to defaults in the process. Or you can change & save the value on the Axe-FX itself.
Sorry, yes I meant the 'off' value..
Perhaps Cliff could mark this as a bug and take a look at it for the next version of the editor.
Meanwhile I'll take the tip on manually changing it on the Axe-Fx instead of the editor.


- jonah
yeah i didn't know if there is some new bug or whatnot, i have had it set since i made my first wah and haven't messed with it since, i just copy the same wah to different patches.
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