W/D/W with 4CM possible??

Hi guys, I am wondering if this setup would be possible: running the Axe in 4CM with a Combo as dry center and two FX satellites left and right powered by a stereo power amp.
This way I could utilize the Axe in front (as preamp and for virtual pedals) and wet stereo effects left and right. Have been drawing scenarios but can't figure it out. Either L/R will be mono or the 4CM won't work... Has anybody tried this? Does this work??
Yes, if you run Out 2L to amp front input, Out 2R to amp loop return. Connect amp loop send to In 2L as usual for 4CM, use feedback send/return to route that signal to the FXL block input on a second row, balance that row right and the original row left at FXL mixer page. That leaves Out 1 L/R free for the wet L/R signals. Make sure Out 2 mode = stereo.
W/D/W defeats the purpose of 4CM, as in W/D/W you don't the post amp effects going to the center dry amp (= your combo), you only want the efx's in the satellites L and R channels.
In other words, you don't want any effects in your dry center combos effects loop.

Make a grid like this example (substitute with the efx blocks that you want to use):
Input - wah - comp - boost - drive- vibe - drive 2 - trem - amp (pick a amp that is close to the combo you use for your dry centre, or pick something else if you want that effect. If you use a tube power amp that colours the sound turn power amp modelling of) - chorus - delay - reverb - output 1.
Put an efx loop block on another line on the grid and send from the trem to both the amp block mentioned above and the efx loop.
Connect the out 2 Left to your combo amps input and your stereo power amp to output 1 left and right.
Presto - Now you have a W/D/W rig with your combo amp as the dry center.

Hope this helps
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