Volume/Pan Question


Fractal Fanatic
Hey, all

Is there a way in FM9-Edit to set up a volume/pan block so that heel down is off (no volume) and toe down is 100%? Currently, the option is to make 5% the off value, but anything less than that, the expression pedal defaults to full volume. Curious if the manual might say something about this, but will need to check...
The 5% off value is for the Auto Engage feature which, if used with the Volume block would bypass the block which would result in full volume.
Honestly though, auto-bypassing a VOL block in volume mode with Mute mode seems odd given it's essentially muted at that point in the pedal's travel anyways. I'm sure I'm missing some reason why?
No need to turn the vol block off. Just turn off auto engage and use the full travel of your expression pedal.
This was my goal. The volume pedal for one preset is designed to be set for off (heel down) and 100% (toe down). The expression pedal's travel hopefully stays off unless some part of the travel above 5% is activated, and 100% for full volume. I'd prefer to not let the pedal be full volume below 5%.
Thanks, all. My thought was to create several presets with vol/pan blocks with Auto-Engage off, Start @ 0% End @ 90% and Attack @ 30 ms; Release @ 150 ms. The curve taper is a slow-to-activate 45° line curve "hill" with 90% End representing the "just before peak" curve finish. The attack/release is set with greater values to allow for a gradual activation, and smooth recovery time.
Somehow I think you are making this much harder than it should be. It’s a volume pedal, nothing more basic than that.
It's easy to do this when you're discussing it with friends over drinks. Thanks for clearing things up, though. 😊
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