Vol/Pan block Level increment/ decrement via controller?


I use the AxeFxIII in 4 cable method with a Mesa Boogie MarkV:25. For that amp, the Master volume takes place at the output of the preamp, i.e. at the FX loop SEND level. With 4CM, I return into FX Return of the amp, which is effectively 100% volume. Since I cannot control the Master level of the amp (no MIDI for that unlike a TriAxis) via MIDI or FX Edit, what I did was to insert a Vol/Pan block in the FX chain and I assigned an expression pedal to such volume control. This works fine, but it's one more pedal to have to log when I have the FC-12.
So I was wondering if instead, I could set the base volume block level to say -30dB, and then I was hoping there might be a way to assign some form of controller, itself assigned to FC-12 buttons to add or subtract +/-3db of volume whenever the button is pressed? One button to add 3db, another to subtract 3db? This way I could get rid of the expression pedal. I would do the same for the Wet signal path of my preset as I run a Wet/Dry/Wet, and I currently use another expression pedal to control the Wet output level.
So this way I could remove two expressions pedals from my rig, and only have one left.
I solved my issue by using Global Performance Controls. I do not need a foot expression pedal but I need the ability to adjust easily and continuously. One control and front panel rotary for each volume.
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