<< View 1 button function?


Looking to create a button that switches views from 1 to 2 on layout 2 - scenes. I have a button configured to go from layout 2 scenes, to layout 4 more fx. I want to use the same button (hold) to change views from 1 to 2. See video.

Gotcha. Tried that, when I hold it takes me to view two. But pressing the yellow << view 1 button only shows me view 1, it doesn’t change anything. So I get stuck there unless I program an additional button.

In other words, it only shows me view 1 as long as I hold the button down. Like in the video.
This may be a bug. I’ll take a look.

People are missing that the “view 1” switch being discussed isn’t set by the user. It’s an automatic forced switch function.
As long as I don't have a hold functioned assigned to that button, it will work and take me back to view 1. as a forced switch function, perhaps holds aren't allowed on that switch.
It’s working correctly on mine but I have an older beta installed. what firmware do you have?
As long as I don't have a hold functioned assigned to that button, it will work and take me back to view 1. as a forced switch function, perhaps holds aren't allowed on that switch.
Ok let me try that. Sounds like a potential bug with the hold function in place.
I'm on 4.0
It’s still working correctly for me on the 4.00 beta woth hold functions on all switches.

I’ll update to release tomorrow and try it out. If possible, an export of all your footswitches could help in case you’re doing something specific that’s causing it I don’t know about. There’s a menu to export all layouts in the footswitch edit section of FM9 edit.
Here you go.

For context, I pretty much live on one preset. So I'm staying on one preset, and using layout 2, view 1 as primary. I have 3 scenes that I use, and the rest are per preset effects, except for FS7 which is a toggle from layout 2, to layout 4, with more effects. I wanted to use a hold function on FS7 to take me to layout 2, view 2 so that I could use 3 more (less used) scenes. I can make this work, and it till take me to view 2, but then the <<View 1 button pops up, and it doesn't work. It only shows me view one like a momentary switch. However, if I assign a different FS to hold for View 2, the << View 1 switch will work. I was hoping to get all those functions on one switch, that was the idea behind all of this.

Thanks for looking into it!

Update: If I go into FM9 Edit, and drag/swap FS 7 to FS8 on view 1, the hold function will take me to View 2, as assigned, <<View 1 pops up on FS7 and works correctly. So, my guess is that I cannot have that hold function on FS7, because it is hard coded for << View 1 and there's a conflict.


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