Video Tips/suggestions to create Ambient/worship preset from scratch?


Does anyone have any suggestions for a video tutorial how to create Ambient/worship presets from scratch on FM9 (or any other fractal device)?
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@STA Hey IDK if you have heard of Worship Tutorials but you can get a ton of good ideas from them.
Often they have free presets for each Fractal unit. Here is the link. They have a lot of good content there.
Yeah I know them. My issue with these presets is that I can look at these presets and copy them for my own presets, but it doesn't really let me understand why certain decisions were made.
For example why a certain delay and parameter setting (decay, time, feedback etc.) work with a reverb and parameter settings, why we'd choose parallel vs series etc. I'm really a dummy when it comes to Reverb and Delay. I know the general rule is to listen, but I have so little understanding of all the parameter settings that it would literally take me hours, and as a result I'd probably still come up with a lousy setting.
@STA I definitely agree with you. I would start with just one effect you want to understand.
Find YT videos that show that effect and how to use it. Series / parallel.
I find great help from the following guys Leon Todd @2112 , Rosh Roslin @RoshRoslin , @chris

Start slow and consistent. Make something basic you can understand and use.
I have a post it note on my monitor. "KEEP IT SIMPLE"

I can easily get off track, even after many years with Fractal gear.

I am constantly learning and growing. This is a great community here!
Yeah I know them. My issue with these presets is that I can look at these presets and copy them for my own presets, but it doesn't really let me understand why certain decisions were made.
For example why a certain delay and parameter setting (decay, time, feedback etc.) work with a reverb and parameter settings, why we'd choose parallel vs series etc. I'm really a dummy when it comes to Reverb and Delay. I know the general rule is to listen, but I have so little understanding of all the parameter settings that it would literally take me hours, and as a result I'd probably still come up with a lousy setting.
I've been playing P&W for over 20 years now and get where you're coming from. Don't limit yourself to tutorials for modelers only, I learned a lot by watching different delay and reverb pedal reviews and demos. As far as the FM9 goes, I've messed around with parallel routing a few times and always end up back to series routing. I also use the 'Thru' bypass mode on most post effects except Delay which I set to 'mute fx in'.

Ambient Guitar Tips playlist by Andy Othling helped me make the biggest steps forward for me in learning how the different effects work:

Make sure to open this video in YouTube to get the entire playlist:

This video in particular showed me how the different effects work together and what each one does to contribute to the tone:

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