Verve 12ma volume: Is it enough?


Fractal Fanatic
I've never tried a FBT Verve 12ma monitor, but I know it's rated at 123dB. How much is that really? Is it enough if I only use one? How loud is it compared to a regular guitar amp? :)
How loud is your 'regular guitar amp'?

Tongue in cheek, but how loud do you need it?

123db is FREAKING loud. Just sayin'.
Scott Peterson said:
How loud is your 'regular guitar amp'?

Tongue in cheek, but how loud do you need it?

123db is FREAKING loud. Just sayin'.

Well, I've used a bunch of different 100w amps through out the years. OD100, CAE 3+SE with VHT Classic or VHT 2902 poweramps, Rivera Bonehead, Marshalls, Engls, Brunettis, Carvin Legacy etc. Can a 12ma get as loud as one of the mentioned amps? I'm mainly asking because some have complained about the Verve 12ma being quieter than other monitors.
I don't know because I have not used or tried the 12ma. I was simply saying that on an absolute scale, 123db is LOUD.

Whether or not it is loud 'enough' is subjective and I'll leave that to those that can offer you the experience of using those amps and owning the 12ma.

Peace! :D
Scott Peterson said:
I don't know because I have not used or tried the 12ma. I was simply saying that on an absolute scale, 123db is LOUD.

Whether or not it is loud 'enough' is subjective and I'll leave that to those that can offer you the experience of using those amps and owning the 12ma.

Peace! :D

Thanks for the info! :D
Scott Peterson said:
I don't know because I have not used or tried the 12ma. I was simply saying that on an absolute scale, 123db is LOUD.
Scott, didn't you have one on the way? I thought we had joked about UPS leaving one on your front porch (and I wanted to know your street address, just in case ;-)... whatever happened to that order or shipment, assuming I didn't imagine the whole episode?

And to the original poster: the 12mA is loud enough to kill medium sized mammals. Is it as loud as a guitar amp? Hell yeah. Is it as loud as <choose an amp>? I don't know, I mean after it's loud enough to hurt, how much louder do you need it?
Dpoirier said:
Scott Peterson said:
I don't know because I have not used or tried the 12ma. I was simply saying that on an absolute scale, 123db is LOUD.
Scott, didn't you have one on the way? I thought we had joked about UPS leaving one on your front porch (and I wanted to know your street address, just in case ;-)... whatever happened to that order or shipment, assuming I didn't imagine the whole episode?

And to the original poster: the 12mA is loud enough to kill medium sized mammals. Is it as loud as a guitar amp? Hell yeah. Is it as loud as <choose an amp>? I don't know, I mean after it's loud enough to hurt, how much louder do you need it?

I canceled the order, sticking with the 8ma. Money is too tight to be buying anything for me right now. I'm fine with the 8ma.
Loud enough...oh hell yes. I have my programmable output levels set high and run my output knob between 12:00 and 3:00 and I can never turn up my 12ma past 1/2 gets too loud and starts to drown out my other band mates. Even on big stages a single 12ma works great for me and we're a REALLY loud band (110-115dB stage volume). My other guitar player uses a Marshall half stack and my AXE with 12ma will swamp over his rig easily. I can't imagine a situation where the AXE + 12ma wouldn't work...maybe an arena show...but even then the acoustics on those venues are usually so efficient that I still think it would probably work.
Take manufacturer ratings with a grain of salt. Let's assume for one crazy moment their marketing dept has an insane moment of honesty. Their measurements will be accurate and use industry standards, and based on sustained RMS power (something many powered monitors can't even do at their advertised power). The dB rating is the highest point of the response plot (usually measured at 1W/1m), extrapolated to the maximum power of the unit. FRFR units are not as flat as you might think, so there's no guarantee the highest peak on the response plot is any use to you. :(

The maximum 128dB rating for my RCF 322A occurs at a frequency of around 6KHz - which is where I'm tapering off highs in most of my tones. The actual dB over the "power range" for guitars falls between 80Hz to 4KHz, and the RCF response plot shows I'll get from 2 to 6 dB less than the advertised 128dB. Of course, we still need usable response below 80Hz (even for regular 6 string guitars with low E at 80Hz) for pick attack and palm muting, and also above 4KHz for clarity and "air".

In the real world, my RCF is about as loud as a 50W tube amp, meaning that yes, it's pretty loud. But alongside a 100W Fender Twin, it can't keep up. Granted, a Fender Twin at 100W full tilt is probably too loud. :D
I once measured my Marshall 100W JCM900 full throttle with a db meter at 1 meter of the 4x12" cab.
It read 126dB. That was really insanely loud!

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