Velocity 300 in stereo with 2 cabs


New Member
Thank you BBN and Mister.friendly for your answers.

I think I will leave it as is. So if I get it right, you recommand me to plug my 2 2X12 cabs in the Velocity's ch2 outputs and nothing in ch1. Am I right?
The input #1 on the rear panel is labeled 'chanel1 Mono Bridged'. Should I have to connect my VooduValve to input #2 only??? I am a little confused right now! :) ...

Thanks a lot guys, you're the best!
No, to run your two 2x12 cab scenario, you should leave the V300 in Stereo mode.
Plug Channel 1 of the V300 into once side of your cab (2x12 at 4ohms) and plug Channel 2 of the V300 into the other side of your cab (2x12 at 4 ohms).
BBN said:
No, to run your two 2x12 cab scenario, you should leave the V300 in Stereo mode.
Plug Channel 1 of the V300 into once side of your cab (2x12 at 4ohms) and plug Channel 2 of the V300 into the other side of your cab (2x12 at 4 ohms).

Thank you BBN! I will give it a try when I receive my amp.
Many thanks again!

Youri Lévesque
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