V13 - was there an issue with global blocks?


I'm going to head into the rehearsal space this evening and update my unit to 13.07. I remember reading on here that there was some issue with global blocks with V13, but I can't find any posts about that now, nor do I see anything in the release notes. Has that been fixed? Sorry to ask a question about something that I'm sure is here, somewhere on the forum, but I just couldn't find to the magic combination of keywords to find that post.

Then again, I just had to manually search back a couple pages to finally find the post(s) about adjusting Dynamic Damping if you want V13 to sound like V12. So I really must not be jiving with the search algorithm on here.

The issue was with the update preset function in the last incarnation of firmware 12.
That was resolved in FW 13 first release.
So I really must not be jiving with the search algorithm on here.

The search engine here is crap -- Google works better in most cases for me. I just preface my search phrase with "site:forum.fractalaudio.com" (or whichever) to limit the results to that particular site.
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