Using with different outputs - sometimes power amp + cab / sometimes FRFR/IR…


For those that run their FM9 both with a power amp & cab, and with IRs + FRFR speaker (or just IR into DAW/recording software). Meaning you alternate.

How do you manage your presets?

Have 2 copies one with cab block engaged, and one with no cab block (or bypassed)?

Or do you go into global settings and disable cab blocks when you use your power amp & cab? Seems it might be easy to forget.

Or is there a way to enable one of the switches to switch from cab blocks active to cab blocks disabled?

Or do you have two paths in the preset layout? One with cab block through one output for FRFR and then a second path out of the amp without a cab block to a different output.
Dedicated presets for each because they sound different and benefit from different amp settings - particularly the speaker page parms.
Does the speaker page parameters still affect a setup with cab block bypassed and using power amp and guitar cab?
Does the speaker page parameters still affect a setup with cab block bypassed and using power amp and guitar cab?
with power amp modelling on, yes - a big factor for me is the impedance curve which I configure with some specific settings related to my real cabs, and which are different than what I would usually choose with FR..

Edit: but even given the procedure I have for this, some of my FR presets still sometimes happen to sound good thru my real cabs just by turning off Cab modelling for whatever reason (like in the other thread - sometimes "it sounds good so it's good", but I don't really know why lol!)
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Back when I was still using guitar cabs I ran different presets! The EQ involved for power amp and cabs are very different from FR.
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I've used both methods and either way can work just fine. Keep in mind, bands often run one output to FOH and another to their power amps/cabs. Here's just one example of many. Love me some Intervals.

I have my own rig wired up so I can use either cabs or monitors or both from a single preset. Of course I can use presets that are routed to one or the other. There's no wrong way here imo.
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I've used both methods and either way can work just fine. Keep in mind, bands often run one output to FOH and another to their power amps/cabs. Here's just one example of many. Love me some Intervals.

I have my own rig wired up so I can use either cabs or monitors or both from a single preset. Of course I can use presets that are routed to one or the other. There's no wrong way here imo.

So on the presets you can run both monitors and guitar cab, do you put the cab block at the end before output so you can have effects for the output that bypasses the cab block? I played with it a bit and it's either that, or you run a duplicate set of effects (if you ever run any post-amp) to run the 'cab block-less' signal chain.
So on the presets you can run both monitors and guitar cab, do you put the cab block at the end before output so you can have effects for the output that bypasses the cab block? I played with it a bit and it's either that, or you run a duplicate set of effects (if you ever run any post-amp) to run the 'cab block-less' signal chain.
I just put the cab right before the output 1 block (which goes to my monitors). Post effects go right after the amp block then split off to output 2/3 or to the cab block and output 1.
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I just put the cab right before the output 1 block (which goes to my monitors). Post effects go right after the amp block then split off to output 2/3 or to the cab block and output 1.
Think I got it figured out... Out 1 is to my Power Stage 170 / Mesa cab... Out 2 is dual XLR to my JBL 305 monitors. Seems to work out really well.


Yeah basically like that. Out of curiosity, why do you have a cab block before output 1?
Haha I guess there’s no reason since it’s off. I’ll probably just delete it.

Do you know if cab block right after amp before the effects makes any difference vs cab block last in the chain?
Haha I guess there’s no reason since it’s off. I’ll probably just delete it.

Do you know if cab block right after amp before the effects makes any difference vs cab block last in the chain?
I suppose there might be a difference theoretically, but I personally don't notice a difference if I put the cab right after the amp or after the post effects.
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