Using an Expression pedal to control delay mix in my preset.. Can it apply to all scenes except one?



I have four scenes in my preset...I would like the ability to control the delay mix between 0% and 20% in Scenes A, B and C.

In my solo scene, (Scene D), I would like it to always be at 25% delay mix regardless of where I left the expression pedal in other scenes.

FWIW, I am using a single expression pedal for this...I thought I could just add a 2nd delay in Scene D but assigning that to Expression 3 impacts all scenes regardless of which delay is being used.

Is this possible? I have been looking through threads but couldn't find this.

Any help would be appreciated!
If you use the same delay setting/channel in those 3 scenes you can set the modifier to apply to that channel only, then use a separate delay channel for the scene where you want mix to remain at 25%.

If you happened to use two delay channels among the first 3 scenes you could also use a mix modifier on one channel and an input gain modifier on the other.

Or if you use 3-4 delay channels, you could put a volume block in line with the delay (at 100% mix with a parallel dry path) and control delay level there instead. Then just bypass the volume block in the scene where you don't want the pedal to affect delay mix.
You’ll have to use a separate channel. That said, Delay blocks are generally pretty low in terms of CPU usage, so if you needed to add another block, you could do so without much of a hit.
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