Use midi baby for delay hold

I give up after 2 hours...

I bought a Disaster Area midi baby to turn on/off delay hold so I can see the status with the LED. I cannot get it to work. How do I map it to do this seemingly simple task:

stomp = hold on with led on
stomp again = off with led off

I tried it as a controller (5) with midi CC 120.

Did you assign CC 120 on the FM9 to something like an External Controller?

And did you assign that external controller to the Delay Hold control in your Delay block?
Yes, CC120 in FM9 settings for controller 5 and set the hold for controller 5.

@unix-guy, I think it may be the programming of the midi baby. The editor is great, but maybe I am setting it up wrong on that side.
You can test the MIDIBaby by seeing if External Controller 5 (your choice) can LEARN the CC# it is supposedly outputting.

1. Select External Controller 5 in the MIDI/Remote menu of the FM9.
2. Press ENTER.
3. Tap the MIDI baby.

Does Ext Ctrl 5 learn the required CC#?
The Fractal can learn it and it shows 120. It has to be on the Midi Baby side, but it's a pretty deep editor:

What options would I use to do this function? There is CC toggle, CC return, send single value, etc. It's not as intuitive as the FM9, lol.


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If I set it to toggle it will turn it on, but won’t toggle like you’d think to off. Adding a secondary function doesn’t work either. It seems like it should be an easy setup. I’ve never had this many issues with midi before :/
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