USB Recording...


Power User
Finally figured out how to record via usb with my Fractal A2 into Sonar Producer 8.5.When I listened back to the track it seemed to be more saturated and just didnt sound as realistic as when I run the audio out into my Roland VM 3100 board (which I set up to color the tone as little as possible) into Sonar.

Has anyone else noticed something like this?
For some reason every single guitar track I record comes through noticeably with more distortion than what i'm monitoring. I've gone so far as to lower the gain on my amp to 0.1 and it still ends up coming through as if i had the gain set at 5. not 0.5, i mean 5.
Could be a similar issue.
what I noticed (though I haven't done more than one take so I dont know if what I am hearing is right) its not just more distortion but also seems to miss that realism and depth and complexity of tone thati am hearing while monitoring and when I track through the audio outs.
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