USB multiple devices - does Axe have to be master?


Fractal Fanatic
Wait. Did I read somewhere that the Axe Fx II can only be a master? I just upgraded to Lion (10.7.4) yesterday. I hadn't done much with usb and Axe. Nothing, really. So I have some tracks to do and thought I'd do the record dry with usb thing. But I have to use my Metric Halo box as master. In DP I can choose multiple interfaces and avoid the aggregate devices, unless this will amount to the same thing.

In the DP hardware config dialogue box I don't see where I can set the AXE FX clock modes up as a slave, so I assume it can only be a master? I didn't see anything in the wiki about this. I'm sure I wasn't looking in the right place because I'm tired.

I normally just use my Millennia TD-1 DI and I may have to go back to that method.
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