USB into DAW

Timmy Soft

New Member
I'm a relatively new owner of the FM3 Turbo!

I'm finding that when using the unit as an interface USB input 1 & 2 into my DAW is extremely hot, i cant seem to get the level down at all!

Is there a particular setting that i need to find to reduce the levels going in to the DAW? Most of the time it wont be an issue as i'll run the FM3 into my interface for recording, but when travelling its much easier if i can just use it as the interface.
I've usually got my amps set to 0db, is that incorrect? So far its mostly been rehearsal room use and a couple of gigs!
0db can be different perceived listening volumes depending on how much gain the amp is actually creating. Amps default to -12db for that reason and that’s usually a good level to be around. An amp with Drive at 1 will be much quieter than the same amp with Drive at 10. That’s what the Amp Level parameter is for.

Use the VU meters on the Layout Grid Zoom out page on Hardware or the Preset Leveling in the Tools menu fo Edit. Aim for the line just above half way for your normal playing level.

I would guess you’ve been clipping the output of the FM3 for a while.
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