USB Disconnects have to restart FM9

I've had an issue in only the last 36 hours or so. My FM9 turbo has been an absolute champ since I've owned it. But what has been happening is it disconnects entirely swapping ports on my mac doesn't fix it. I tried another cable, unplugging it and plugging it back in, etc. The thing that solves it temporarily is restarting the entire unit. But then it happens again within an hour. I'm concerned the port might be going, but I haven't been abusive to it and, weirdly, restarting it solves it.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this?
I have this happen to me all the time when my Mac goes to sleep. What I have had to do is unplug my FM9 whenever I am leaving my laptop for an extended period of time or closing the lid. If I do that I never have the problem. The first moment my laptop goes to sleep though I lose the connection and have to reboot the FM9.

Since I purchased my FM9 second hand, I unfortunately didn’t get to take advantage of contacting support about it. It has happened since the day I got it (almost 2 years ago).
I have this happen to me all the time when my Mac goes to sleep. What I have had to do is unplug my FM9 whenever I am leaving my laptop for an extended period of time or closing the lid. If I do that I never have the problem. The first moment my laptop goes to sleep though I lose the connection and have to reboot the FM9.

Since I purchased my FM9 second hand, I unfortunately didn’t get to take advantage of contacting support about it. It has happened since the day I got it (almost 2 years ago).
You can still contact support...
I'm not a Mac guy, but it sounds like the USB is sleeping. There should be a way to disable that behavior.
Agreed. It’s in the Energy Saver preferences.

macOS seems to think that the modeler is a drive and, from what I can tell, is trying to tell the modeler to go to sleep when the Mac goes to sleep.

See the settings in the second screenshot in for what I use. My system and the modeler connections are very stable. Also, might help.
Oh, along the lines of the above, there's an app in the App Store called Amphetamine which is useful when you don't want the system to sleep when a specific application is running. I used to use it and found it works well, but I got tired of having the computer and display not sleep, and, with the settings I mentioned above it can sleep but I only see the connection drop when there's a minor power glitch, so I haven't used the app in a while.
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