USB C query

Lee Servis


Making no apologies for my computer illiteracy here, but I am planning to update my MacBook Air from my current model (2017) to a new (2024) laptop which will have USB C - my 2017 MAcBook has regular USB 'sockets'.

The connection USB cables I have from G66 are regular USB, which worked fine with my 'old' MacBook... so when I get the new laptop do I simply buy/ add a USB C adaptor and connect to my G66 USB cables? I hope that makes sense.

Many thanks in advance for any help and advice.
Many thanks for your rapid response, iaresee. So, how does that work exactly (apologies for my 'dumbness' on the subject)? Do I put my 'old' G66 normal USB into this 'hub' and then runa USB C out of the 'hub' and into my FM3/FM9? Could I still do what I initially suggested, though, and pop the regular G66 USB cable into a USB C stick and then insert that into my new MacBook for FM3/ FM9 Edit accessibility ?

Many thanks again for your response and help - much appreciated.
I've just looked online at my local department store and they sell a variety of the USB hubs you recommend, so that might be the best route, after all. Thanks for he heads up.
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