Upgrading without power supply


I seem to have displaced my power supply for my MFC101! Can I upgrade to the new FW using my old MIDI cable that used to power the MFC101?
You can use your ehternet cable to power the MFC-101 and an ordinary 5 pin midi cable to transfer the update. Remember don't use more than one powersource at once!!

I just did that myself and it worked like a charm.
1: Make your connection,
2: go to axe fx I/O menu,
3: go to midi page - navigate down to Send Realtime Sysex - change that to OFF
4: navigate further down to - USB adapter mode - change that to ON

----- remember to change those back when you're done .!

5: Go to your MFC and press Setup and Midi and chose MIDI (and when done with the firmware update change back to expansion if you use ethernet)
6: PowerCycle the MFC while holding down the 1 Button -- the display should show "firmware update"
7: Use Fractal-Bot to transfer the firmware to the mfc (you have to select axe fx midi port in fractal bot)

8: Done change back the stuff and restart everything.

Hope this helped

That worked great! Thanks for the step by step directions!

BTW you do have to have at least 1 power source - I accidentally kicked out the extension cord at 97% downloaded and was sure I had bricked my MFC. I cycled power (on purpose this time) and got MFC in FW Update mode; restarted Fractal-Bot and downloaded successfully. I was sweating bullets for a while there but it turned out OK.
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