Updated on the Yorkville E10P monitor


We found a drummer for the DD tribute project and last night was my first chance to use the E10P with a real, live drummer in the room. And a monster drummer at that. We had drums, keys through the rehearsal space PA, vocals and bass. All in a room that was about 10m x 18m in size with a 3.5m ceiling.

The E10P, running at 0dB and flat EQ, was more than adequate to fill the space. It stayed nice and tight at the volume I need to keep up with the drums and not get washed away by the keyboards. I was really worried that once I started to push it loud it would fatigue the speaker and flub out. Nope.

And more importantly: global EQ on my Axe-Fx was flat. I ran it without tweaking the patches I've been setting up at home using my Senn cans and KRK monitors. That's really important to me. I don't like re-EQ'ing things.

And on a semi-related note the drummer was all, "Where's your cab man?" when we got to the space. He looked smug when I said I was all digital for the project. At the break he said he'd never have known I was running digital if I hadn't told him. :)
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