Update issue


Hello- I just tried to update my ax8 and now all I get is a black screen and my computer won't communicate with the Ax8- any ideas?
Maybe I powered it down too soon?
yup. the screen needs to say UPDATE COMPLETE.

you need to do a recovery. from the manual:

Q: My AX8 stopped working during or after a rmware update. How can I recover it?

A: The AX8 has a built in recovery routine. Power the unit off. Hold down the SHIFT button, and then power the unit on. Hold the button for about 1 second beyond the power up, and then release. Turn the page to the FIRMWARE screen and you will be able to install firmware using Fractal-Bot.
yup. the screen needs to say UPDATE COMPLETE.

you need to do a recovery. from the manual:

Q: My AX8 stopped working during or after a rmware update. How can I recover it?

A: The AX8 has a built in recovery routine. Power the unit off. Hold down the SHIFT button, and then power the unit on. Hold the button for about 1 second beyond the power up, and then release. Turn the page to the FIRMWARE screen and you will be able to install firmware using Fractal-Bot.
Ok Thank you! Man I can't believe I just did that
Ok thank you - that's the second time you have helped me out with an issue! Did you shut your site down? It says for archive only now.
i've been so busy with the Beta team and other things, i don't have time to work on the site anymore. which is funny, since that kills ad revenue for myself... hmm. :)
Ok I see- well thank you again.
If you have time any time soon the other issue I was having is that I am trying to assign the ev-1 as a volume control to an ambient patch- pre delay and reverb.
I created a vol block but I can't figure out how to adding ext 1 to the block.
As soon as I plugged the pedal in and did the parameters it seems to have automatically assigned it to wah function.
Anyway not a big deal but I can't really find any videos that are ax8 specific- most are with the Mac-101
And doesn't seem to work when I try.
Ok I see- well thank you again.
If you have time any time soon the other issue I was having is that I am trying to assign the ev-1 as a volume control to an ambient patch- pre delay and reverb.
I created a vol block but I can't figure out how to adding ext 1 to the block.
As soon as I plugged the pedal in and did the parameters it seems to have automatically assigned it to wah function.
Anyway not a big deal but I can't really find any videos that are ax8 specific- most are with the Mac-101
And doesn't seem to work when I try.
right click on the Volume parameter in the Volume block and assign Ext 1 as the Source. replace the wah block with a shunt.
Whats the Deal-io with the 3.50 update not working after I fractal bottled in the 3.51?


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I was trying to update ax8 firmware 3.51- BUTT- i think I figured it out- I used the RECEIVE function instead of SEND which I am doing now- Whats the differences of SEND vs RECEIVE anyhow?
Receive receives files from the AX8 as a backup.

Send sends files to the AX8 to update it.
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