Ultra "mini" test and IEM's


So I used my Ultra as a cab sim (4x12 w/25's and a 57) for my Bogner XTC with great results for FOH, but not for my IEM's. After Fri nights gig, the soundman and I messed around with some presets (factory and one of mine) out to FOH. I had been tweeking/experimenting with a Marsha BE through my Atomic FRFR, and was liking the sound. So, I went to that patch 1st, thinking it would sound good...not to him...too bassy and gainy. So I scrolled through a few other patches with varied results, his favorite being #212.
Any IEM/Axe users out there? What are your findings? I'm really beginning to think my IEM's have a blown driver (hence, not enough low end), or is that the norm with them.
Also, after reading many posts of guys with the Axe/FRFR monitor going direct to FOH, it seems that there's very little (if any) sound/eq differences between what your hearing on stage and what FOH hears. Im thinking it's got to be "pilot error" on my part somehow. I'm just not educated enough with the Axe...yet. My high hopes are that once I get the sounds I want/need for the gig with my Axe/Atomic (and maybe RedWirez) rig, that I'll be able to send it to FOH with minmal eq-ing.

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