Ultra Busted in Shipping (front panel buttons)


Hello all, so it was either the actual usps shipping department or the end-user that I had sold my Axe-fx ultra to online, but one of them actually broke my unit - it appears from a long drop on the side - the front panel side was smushed and caved in so as disabling the front buttons. The buyer claimed this was how it was out of the box but who can really say? The unit had sat in my room for 2 years in mint condition, I knew that it was not broken in any way shape or form when shipping it out. From the way it was packaged with peanuts and bubble wrap it looked like it would have to had been thrown across a room a few times, dropped from 20 feet, or simply dropped in its non-packaged naked state to do the damage - I don't think the buyer would admit to such a folly themselves especially after owning it for as little of time, he appeared relentless in getting a refund & returning it quickly so there was little that I could do (above suggesting to repair/send it out themselves), so like I said who can really say.

After re-receiving and opening up the Axe-fx and realigning the panel, (seeing nothing else wrong inside), putting back together and clamping the side to look more normal, turning it on showed that now maybe 4 of the front panel buttons work. Most of the buttons feel a little different than originally (and don't work), and some presets quickly turn on the edit light (I don't remember that ever happening) - it doesn't look good. I really wish that I could fix this myself or cheaply locally but I digress.

I emailed support asking for a quote to fix this, ugh, a broken unit due to shipping! WTF! I feel sorry for everyone involved especially me since I didn't receive any of my money and am now very wary of shipping out the Axe-fx anywhere anytime.
It kind of goes without saying but used Axe-fx shippers beware! Buy shipping insurance. Even buyers of used Axe-fx. Try to sell/buy it locally (or buy new of course) if you can. If I can ever repair it to sell again I can only hope to sell locally because I don't want to go through this again.

I hope it's not a pricey quote to fix but can't be too optimistic, I'm extremely bummed, and broke to boot, and on top of that I have now a cool broken Axe-Fx Ultra!
I just thought I'd share in case this has happened or happens to anyone else, as I could not find any previous threads describing such.
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I sent my unit in to be serviced and this is my fear. Normally I take pictures and/or video of the unit but I didn't this time. The other times were because I was selling a unit and the photos/video would help me make my case if UPS did something because I would have proof the unit was in mint condition.

I feel for you. Hopefully it can all get straightened out.
I'm also very sorry to hear that. I was also, as a buyer affraid of damages during shipping, but I had different experience. Last couple of weeks I tried to buy Axe Fx Ultra on ebay, and here on forum, and it was big problem, because 99% of sellers didn't want to ship to Europe - Bosnia And Herzegovina. Even when I was offering bigger price, including paypal or ebay fees and shipping, some people was reluctant to ship internationally.
To make long story short, one forum member sold it to me, agreed to ship internationally, and unit arrived today after only 5 working days in perfect condition. And it arrived safely in Bosnia And Herzegovina - pretty much third world country....So, only thing to worry about is really to insure item for damage or loss on shipping service, and choose some better shipping service, and it shouldn't be a problem. Of course, bad things can happen, but they can happen equaly offten both during local, or international shipping.

The reason I'm telling so much bla-bla is simple. You don't have a clue how hard it is to find reasonably priced Axe Fx for sale here in Europe...Virtualy impossible :) So please, don't be so scared of international shipping if buyers are ready to pay for shipping charges, insurance, etc... :) :) :)
^ i'm kinda in the same boat. I'm from the caribbean, and it's not virtually impossible to get an axe here - it's OUTRIGHT impossible! :eek: LOL!!!

nonetheless, I have shipped 2 axes here, with no real issue. amazing how people are scared to ship international, and me and igor haven't had the issues some people have had when shipping to lower 48! :O
I'm also very sorry to hear that. I was also, as a buyer affraid of damages during shipping, but I had different experience. Last couple of weeks I tried to buy Axe Fx Ultra on ebay, and here on forum, and it was big problem, because 99% of sellers didn't want to ship to Europe - Bosnia And Herzegovina. Even when I was offering bigger price, including paypal or ebay fees and shipping, some people was reluctant to ship internationally.
To make long story short, one forum member sold it to me, agreed to ship internationally, and unit arrived today after only 5 working days in perfect condition. And it arrived safely in Bosnia And Herzegovina - pretty much third world country....So, only thing to worry about is really to insure item for damage or loss on shipping service, and choose some better shipping service, and it shouldn't be a problem. Of course, bad things can happen, but they can happen equaly offten both during local, or international shipping.

The reason I'm telling so much bla-bla is simple. You don't have a clue how hard it is to find reasonably priced Axe Fx for sale here in Europe...Virtualy impossible :) So please, don't be so scared of international shipping if buyers are ready to pay for shipping charges, insurance, etc... :) :) :)

I hear you. In my experience... on the selling side... I've had interest from people in Europe but when they find out the shipping and insurance that kills the deal. I haven't had much interest in Europe on the Atomic Reactor FRFR I have for sale but I have gotten a lot of interest for the Switchblade GL but again the shipping and insurance kills the deal. That and any taxes on the declared value.
I hear you. In my experience... on the selling side... I've had interest from people in Europe but when they find out the shipping and insurance that kills the deal. I haven't had much interest in Europe on the Atomic Reactor FRFR I have for sale but I have gotten a lot of interest for the Switchblade GL but again the shipping and insurance kills the deal. That and any taxes on the declared value.

prob cuz of the shipping too.....I was interested in your reactor, but I thought about it and decided against - would cost too much to ship :(
I bought my Ax II from the States and previously an Ultra & MCF all from the same guy, and fortunately both times it went perfectly without an issues.

One thing i would suggest is try to pack it so it is "almost" impossible to damage even with abuse..nothing is completely safe but as the seller told me, it is "packed ready for war" original packaging, a ton of the peanut foam things, then enclosed with maybe 3 inches of polystyrene finally the USPS boxing made it about as safe as possible.
yea, if you bubble wrap something real good and pack it with bubble packs them UPS guys could play football with it all day, and it will arrive in (mostly) one piece. ALWAYS expect delivery men to play football with your packages. ALWAYS.

Also, take pics before, during and after packaging. It's the one thing you might have to save yourself.
Thanks for all the responses guys. Just to make clear I used USPS priority, in the 48 states to another, and like I said it was packed just as well as when I got it back, peanuts, bubble wrap snug, and when I got it back there wasn't a gaping dent on the other side...When I first received my axe-fx it wasn't packed nearly as "safe" and came in pristine condition - it must be a lot of luck involved and who knows if I even paid for shipping insurance how that mess would turn out. I have a phone pic of the axe-fx pre-shipping accident, but I really don't think I have any ground to stand on, and from reading the other shipping damage thread it seems it's rather difficult to resolve any claims even obvious wrongdoings with shipping companies, I don't think phone pics and the fact that I've tried to make it look normal again would help much now but thanks. I think I rather bike 20 miles to a person's house at this point than to deal with shipping an item worth over $100 anymore (save for the ultra for emergency repair), but anyway I'm going to try to remove the value knob and make another thread. Support also did get back to me with a quote. Thanks again and best of luck to anyone dealing with shipping/receiving this or any expensive item.
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well then that seems like it's the buyer who screwed it up! :eek: I mean, I've had some bad experiences - UPS guys throwing an AMP (YES - AN AMP!!!!! :eek: ) over a 10 ft wall, and throwing a canon 7d over the same wall :eek:

they both suffered no damage, other than the box, cuz they were well packaged. So if your stuff was packaged well, it's clearly the case that the buyer had some mishap, screwed it up, and tried to palm it off on you or the shipping company :eek:
The reason I'm telling so much bla-bla is simple. You don't have a clue how hard it is to find reasonably priced Axe Fx for sale here in Europe...Virtualy impossible :) So please, don't be so scared of international shipping if buyers are ready to pay for shipping charges, insurance, etc... :) :) :)

Sorry, but just because things went RIGHT with your transaction, does not mean it goes like that on shipments to other countries outside the USA all the time! And it only takes ONE TIME for a high dollar unit to go damaged or missing.

There IS A REASON a lot of sellers do not ship outside the USA.

Yes, it is a bumnmer if you live outside the USA, but you also have to consider the sellers view too. A lot of sellers are concerned not only with damage to the unit which could very well happen shipping overseas, but they are also concerned with a "little thing" called customs.

Which CAN delay a shipment.... or even deny a shipment.... or confiscate equipment if they have a mind to do so and there is very little either a seller or buyer can do about it! That is just a fact!

And we will not even discuss the nightmare it can be trying to recoup losses in the USA if it is a shippers fault overseas!

So while I understand your views you need to also understand there are VALID reasons WHY a person does not want to ship outside the US. I never have and never will. Why take a chance having my merchandise damaged or confiscated by customs when I can sell it in my own country? It simply is not a bet I am willing to gamble on.

For cheaper items sure, but NOT expensive items!

Right now, I have ordered a DVD game from India on ebay....a MONTH later, it has still not gotten to the USA. When I emailed the seller about it, he had to go to the local post office, which informed him that for some reason it was SENT BACK to the India and they had to send it back out...a MONTH LATER!

And you think I am going to go through that nightmare scenario with an axe fx? You have to be out of your mind! Like I said a small item is one thing, a high dollar item is another.

Thanks, but I HAVE MY REASONS for selling only in the USA!
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Sorry that happened to you. That is a shipping nightmare for sure.

It is also a shame you did not use shipping insurance on such a high dollar item....as it is cheap and may have given you a way to recoup most of your money. I NEVER send anything out that is high dollar gear, without purchasing shipping insurance first.

99.99% of items shipped by most carriers may arrive at their destinations just fine, but there is always a chance of that last percent screwing up a high dollar piece of equipment.
Right webe, I now see that I really dropped the ball by not opting to buy the shipping insurance on such an expensive item - I honestly don't think I could even afford the insurance & barely the shipping (I was down selling my axe-fx for cash, if that means anything) and I wanted the transaction to end as quickly and smoothly as possible, so I guess that ".1%" chance of a package getting screwed up happened to me. I think the message here is clear, I simply don't deserve the axe-fx! :p
Right webe, I now see that I really dropped the ball by not opting to buy the shipping insurance on such an expensive item - I honestly don't think I could even afford the insurance & barely the shipping (I was down selling my axe-fx for cash, if that means anything) and I wanted the transaction to end as quickly and smoothly as possible, so I guess that ".1%" chance of a package getting screwed up happened to me. I think the message here is clear, I simply don't deserve the axe-fx! :p

Well I never said you didn't deserve anything. But if you are willing to sell an item, you have to pay the price to do it ....that usually includes shipping insurance which usually is not that expensive..... or take your chances. The choice is yours.

As far as me, I never take chances with high dollar gear. I stand more to lose than just a few bucks for the shipping insurance even if I pack the stuff great. Thus, the story.
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Sorry, but just because things went RIGHT with your transaction, does not mean it goes like that on shipments to other countries outside the USA all the time! And it only takes ONE TIME for a high dollar unit to go damaged or missing.

There IS A REASON a lot of sellers do not ship outside the USA.

Yes, it is a bumnmer if you live outside the USA, but you also have to consider the sellers view too. A lot of sellers are concerned not only with damage to the unit which could very well happen shipping overseas, but they are also concerned with a "little thing" called customs.

Which CAN delay a shipment.... or even deny a shipment.... or confiscate equipment if they have a mind to do so and there is very little either a seller or buyer can do about it! That is just a fact!

And we will not even discuss the nightmare it can be trying to recoup losses in the USA if it is a shippers fault overseas!

So while I understand your views you need to also understand there are VALID reasons WHY a person does not want to ship outside the US. I never have and never will. Why take a chance having my merchandise damaged or confiscated by customs when I can sell it in my own country? It simply is not a bet I am willing to gamble on.

For cheaper items sure, but NOT expensive items!

Right now, I have ordered a DVD game from India on ebay....a MONTH later, it has still not gotten to the USA. When I emailed the seller about it, he had to go to the local post office, which informed him that for some reason it was SENT BACK to the India and they had to send it back out...a MONTH LATER!

And you think I am going to go through that nightmare scenario with an axe fx? You have to be out of your mind! Like I said a small item is one thing, a high dollar item is another.

Thanks, but I HAVE MY REASONS for selling only in the USA!

Well you have every right to your opinion and to ship in the usa, but know that it is about the same risk involved.

Between myself and one of my friends (the manager of a music store here), we've personally brought in several thousand items here already. More like tens of thousands, including units much more pricey than axe fx. Eventides, electrovoice, neumann, focusrite, all sorts of high end drum kits, all versions of all flagship keyboard workstations (bar none), marshalls, carvins, PRSs, ampegs, SVT's gallien kreuger, etc etc etc I can go on and on, and I haven't even started.
I've personally brought in 2 axes.

Are there issues? Sure, just as shipping in lower 48. Were they resolved? Pretty much all. Things are tracked back as far as the first receiving station that the seller ships to. As a matter of fact, most of the issues were locally - either shipping from US state to US state, or localized shipping down here, and we've had statistically more issues shipping US to US state.

Everyone's mileage may vary, but just cuz you're not willing to do it means that it's right or wrong. Customs is an issue here, because of the duties, and sometimes cuz of the delay. The longest I've waited because of customs is about a week, but sometimes I've heard that it can be longer. I've also waited longer for stuff to ship in neighboring US states. I've also had things ship from sweden and get here in my hands in less than a week. Everyone's mileage will vary of course, but I'm just showing you that you can and WILL get problems ANYWHERE you ship.

Some customs are much more ridiculous than others. India can be ridiculous. I've never shipped from there, but I have a friend who does it everyday. Never stopped him, and he STILL has shipments leaving there everyday.

Normally I assume responsibility for an item once it leaves the states. I normally have the seller assume responsibility for it once it is in the states. Fair enough I think. No need to discourage others who wish to ship international. I'm sure if you were in europe you'd like to have your axe shipped there.

Don't have fear, have knowledge, that is all ;)
Good news guys, I managed to fix the errors and damage done to my ultra! :)
I updated the firmware it sounds good as ever, and there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it.
I got the front off after taking the value wheel off and made sure everything was back in place tight and securely and that the buttons were registering, and now sure enough it's working back to normal.
I was probably lucky that it was repairable without replacing anything. Well anyway thanks again for the help.
WOW!!!! :D that is GREAT news man!!! ;) really glad to hear there is at least a happier ending than what it was before!

how did you get the value wheel off? I remember reading that someone was looking for a way to take it off a day or two ago....may have been you! LOL!!
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