Turn Pitch Block On\Off Globally


New Member
Hi. I have an Axe FX II XL+. I want to be able to switch between standard and Eb tuning during a gig by using the pitch block. All rigs that have pitch block should be affected the same globally. For example, If I'm in Rig1 and turn on the pitch block, that block should be left in an "on" state when I go over to Rig2. I dont want to have to turn the pitch block back on thru a footswitch again on Rig 2 if I already turned it on in Rig 1. Ive been playing around with global links in the pitch block that works great when having other settings change for pitch blocks on all rigs globally but it doesnt help me with what Im trying to achieve. Im still not able to bypass (turn on/off) pitch block globally across all rigs in a live situation.

I often use multiple rigs in 1 song when playing live. I want to be able to have pitch affected globally for all rigs if I toggle pitch on/off.

Can someone please help? Thanks in advance.

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