Turn on Wha, turn off Volume on Fm9


New Member
Hello. Is there a way that I can assign the bypass of the volume block to a footswitch in Fm9 unit at the same time that it turns on the wha Block? That way I could turn on the wha Block and turn off the volume Block by pressing the same footswitch. Is it possible? I usually do this with a external footswitch but I wanted to know if I can do it with a footswitch in the unit. Thanks!
Following. There are some posts related to this that I've read that talk about using a Multiplexer block to switch between the wah and the volume blocks. I'm interested to see what others post. Maybe @Cooper Carter has a video on this?
I want to be able to do the same thing using a single external switch and my EV-1.

This is easy.

1. Assign a control switch to the foot switch you want to use
2. On the wah, set the control switch to bypass the wah (select the bypass button in axe edit and press ‘m’ for modifier)
3. Do the same for the volume but invert the range - there are two dials middle left of the screen that comes up for the modifier window, spin those.

so what you’re saying is control switch being on turns on one effect. Control switch off turns on the other


1. Create two parallel signal flows, in one you have the volume always engaged, in the other the wah - also always engaged.
2. Join those two flows back into one with a multiplexor block
3. Set channel a of the multiplexor to select the row the wah is in, channel b the volume row
4. Set your foot switch to channel toggle the multiplexor between channel a and b
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