Turn down power amp MIX? AIR for power amp?

Whether playing through an FRFR or a Fryette Powerstation+cab, turning the power amp off makes the sound jump "forward" or become more present. Of course it is missing some of its tone and is fizzy for high gain though. Is there a setting that turns down the power amp MIX so that you could have the preamp sound at 100% but the power amp affected sound only at 50%? I imagine this would give some of the tonal character of the pre/post amp combo while still giving some of that presence. Basically like the AIR for the cab block, but just for the power amp simulation.
One way could be to turn down master volume which should effectively reduce some influence of the amp model's power section (if it's a non master volume amp, MV can still be turned down from the ideal page). The level control can be used to compensate for the resulting reduced output volume
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