Tuner on heel down question


I looked around a bit here and haven't seen anyone ask this question so here it goes...

I like the tuner on heel down setting for the expression pedal but is there a way to delay the tuner appearing so for instance when using Wah the screen isn't flashing back and forth like crazy? I guess one ay to work around would be to have to assign tuner to a switch but the whole heel down setting is just space efficient.
Is there a place in the forum to make update suggestions?

This is more of a user experience suggestion I guess because functionality is fine and nothing wrong. I wonder though if the screen having to change back and forth so much puts strain on CPU.
There are Wish List sub-forums for Axe Fx III and FM3 but not yet for FM9.

You can post in the FM9 Discussion forum with "Wish" in the subject for now or maybe the Axe Fx III Wish List forum.
I looked around a bit here and haven't seen anyone ask this question so here it goes...

I like the tuner on heel down setting for the expression pedal but is there a way to delay the tuner appearing so for instance when using Wah the screen isn't flashing back and forth like crazy? I guess one ay to work around would be to have to assign tuner to a switch but the whole heel down setting is just space efficient.
If you're not already, use the Auto Engage feature, set it to 'Slow Pos(ition)'. This will delay the wah bypass, might be enough delay to solve your problem.
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