Trying to use my SD Powerstage 170 to my 2x12 Orange Cab


New Member
So I got a SD Powerstage 170 recently so I can use my fractal FM3 to my Orange 2x12 Cab. I have tried everything and for some reason I can’t get the audio to sound right. It’s fractal so I’m expecting my usual amazing tones but louder and through my cab. Instead It comes out choppy or all saturated on a clean tone or high gain. I’ve tried everything I can think of from checking all the connections. Checking the right settings. I have no cab in the signal and have them globally bypassed just in case. I’ve tried with the power amp on and off. It seems like off works better almost then you just hear a shitty version of the drive and effects. I adjusted the output type of the amp block SS-PA+Cab. I set speaker drive, thump to zero. I put to line level and checked for the better db setting. I tried to find out the LF Resonance frequency but I haven’t found anything yet. So I read in the forums here to set it at 50 and test it from there, that helped a little but still sounds terrible and I’m so confused why. My micro terror with my PD sound great through the cab and my fractal sounds great through my monitors. I’m so lost if I’m missing something please point it out even if it’s insulting and mean at least it gets figured out lol. I have one of my first gigs coming up soon with a new band I just joined, I would greatly appreciate any help thank you!
Broken cable?
+4dB Setting on output?

I have a very similiar setup (FM3 -> SD Powerstage 170 -> Mesa 2x12) and no problems at all. Plug and play.
Broken cable?
+4dB Setting on output?

I have a very similiar setup (FM3 -> SD Powerstage 170 -> Mesa 2x12) and no problems at all. Plug and play.
Really? That’s what I keep hearing but it’s been a major pain. I mean all the cables have been checked. I’m using a TS-speaker cable to the cab and a TS-TS for the output 2 for my fractal. For some reason it sounds like it’s clipping and getting static on the clean tones a lot and some on the distorted but harder to hear when all the cab and power amp modes are turned off/bypassed. Could you send me ur settings, I have no idea what I’m missing. Why my tones sound so bad through my can
Broken cable?
+4dB Setting on output?

I have a very similiar setup (FM3 -> SD Powerstage 170 -> Mesa 2x12) and no problems at all. Plug and play.
Also I set it to line level but set it on -10db cus it’s usually more than I need at the moment. Im just trying to figure out why I can’t turn these settings and be good like everyone else says.
I felt the same about turning the cab block off and doing everything everyone else said to do. But through the cab block and dyna cabs the tone is amazing, so I don’t know the answer either
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