Trying to replicate sound of AxeFX2 preset on FM9

Hello. I want to preface my post by saying that Cliff is a genius and that everything about these devices is just pure magic! Having said that, I’m still missing my old preset sound from my Axe-FX2 with Ares. I just bought the FM9 and would like to replicate the old sound. Yes, I know it’s going to seem OCD, and the new sounds are VERY close and are great, but I fell in love with the old sound and am having difficulty leaving it behind :) It was based on the Dirty Shirley 1 amp and, even with crunch style gain, each voice of the chord was clear and distinct. There was no “noise” or “wash” just very crisp individual chord tones. I took my old Axe-FX preset, converted it with Fractool and then tried to tweak settings using my ear. So, yes, the numbers are different than the original. But, I felt these new settings actually sounded closer than having the same numbers. This is as close a I’ve been able to get. There are new settings and some old ones are gone, like “Crunch” from the preamp page?? Any help or suggestions for what to try would be appreciated. Maybe there’s a factory preset using a Dirty Shirley 1 that has what I’m looking for? I’ll take a few more days to try to figure it out and then I’ll just move on. Here are the presets and recordings of me A/B-ing the two devices and presets. I call out which is which on the recording, but it’s not very loud. So, here’s where and what they are. I know they sound very similar :) but sound is very personal and some times you just get to love a sound! Thanks!!

00:04 Axe FX2
00:15 FM9
00:27 Axe FX2
00:36 FM9
00:48 Axe FX2
00:57 FM9
1:06 Axe FX2
1:14 FM9


  • Crunch_Drty_Shrl_AxeFX2.syx
    6.3 KB · Views: 2
  • Crunch_Drty_Shrl_FM9.syx
    24.1 KB · Views: 2
I've been really working at this. I think what the old presets had were more "warmth" and "spank." Does that correlate to any particular settings? :)
Axe II version is definitely brighter. Are you using the same cab IRs? I'd try the Dirty Shirley 2 model as well. It's brighter sounding.
Hmm, Cygnus can model virtually every major amp in existence, but . . . can it do Ares? This is an interesting question, fractalman.
You could also try turning on the bright switch in the amp block and reducing the bright cap value to around 150 to 200 pF. That will add some brightness without so much added gain like the default 1000 pF value.
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