Trying to reamp dry DI signal.. What am I doing wrong?


I am trying to reamp a dry DI signal. I am using Cubase. The dry signal is already recorded and fine. This is what I am doing:
1. I have set up a connection bus called mono out 3 for my RME audio interface
2. In Cubase I have selected mono out 3 for the dry track
3. Out 3 from my RME audio interface is connected to input 2 on my AX8 (where the guitar normally goes in).
4. I have put a FX loop block at the start of my preset. I understand this is needed and I cannot send a signal to the AX8 via USB?
I managed to fix it. It had to do with my settings in my RME UFX Fireface II. Anyway, I get noise just as Leon Todd gets in the video. However, if I remove the FX Loop and go straight into input 1, I have 0 feedback/noise when not reamping. Obviously, I cannot have my guitar connected to input 1 at the same time. Anyway, why do I get noise via Input 2 and FX Loop and not when I go into Input 1 directly?
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Yes I did. I did not have feedback that was the wrong word, but noise. I have no noise gate in my preset, but when I went straight into input 1 I do not have this issue
Hear from 01:00 and he has the noise im am talking about
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