Transferring a preset - for dummies


Hi, noob here, just unboxed my FM3 so very new to all this and not massively tech savvy so go easy on me.

I've downloaded a LT preset from a thread on here and want to install it on my FM3, but don't know where to start.

I have a Mac.

I have the .syx file on my desktop.

I have downloaded both FM3-Edit and Fractal Bot.

This is where I run out of knowledge and talent, what do I do next? Do I need to use a cable? Bluetooth? What software do I use to get from A-B.

I really could do with a step by step, assuming I know nothing other than computing basics.

Thanks in advance!
Have your FM3 connected to your computer via USB, start up the FM3 and open FM3 Edit, click on Tools > Manage Presets. Once that window opens, click on the 'Manage' button and then drag and drop the preset from your desktop to the slot you want it in.
Ok, thanks - I've managed to get the presets into the FM3, except there's no sound. If I move the previous preset, I can hear my guitar, but if I move back to the two I just downloaded, either the mono or stereo version, I get silence. Forgive the screen grab, the forum would not let me post a link, thinking it spam.

Screenshot 2022-10-24 at 20.46.23.png

I'm not sure what the third file is but it would not let me access this as a warning came up in FM3-Edit saying it was a 'user cab', whatever that means.

Any clues?
The 3rd for file looks like an IR (Impulse Response - a captured speaker)... And that probably explains no sound.

You need to load that into one of your User IR slots and then select it in the Cab block.
The same goes for any IR that might be needed for that preset. Put it in the recommended User Cab slot. It's the one that the Cab block is using.
Thanks, and please forgive my lack of knowledge or experience - what is a User IR slot, how do I load it and how do I select it in the cab block?

I thought it would just be a case of selecting the preset and away I go.

I kind of need it Jack and Jill whilst I get more familiar with the unit.
The same goes for any IR that might be needed for that preset. Put it in the recommended User Cab slot. It's the one that the Cab block is using.
Again, no idea what a recomended user cab slot is? What is an Impulse response and why might it be needed and why isn't it included in the preset?

I sense I have much to learn.
Tools tab, Manage Cabs, drag the IR into the User cab slot # that the Cab block in the preset is using, Save.
What is an Impulse response and why might it be needed and why isn't it included in the preset?

IR (Impulse Response - a captured speaker)
It's not included as part of the preset because IRs are separate units that presets use (multiple presets can use the same ones). The presets simply "point" to the IR slots containing the relevant ones.
Again, no idea what a recomended user cab slot is? What is an Impulse response and why might it be needed and why isn't it included in the preset?

I sense I have much to learn.
Maybe this will help. Take note at about the 1:00 point he transfers the IR to User slot 991 and then in the Cab block directs it to that location. LT will have assigned the slot already in the Cab block. So you can just save it to that slot or save it wherever and then change setting in the Cab to match.

Here is a video showing how to import presets and IRs into an AX8. But the process is virtually identical on all of the units.

Thanks all - I'll watch the video and do some research. I just thought that the cab was all part of the sound and that it would be part of the preset to achieve the desired sound. I'm sure I'll figure out the logic.
Hi, noob here, just unboxed my FM3 so very new to all this and not massively tech savvy so go easy on me.

I've downloaded a LT preset from a thread on here and want to install it on my FM3, but don't know where to start.

I have a Mac.

I have the .syx file on my desktop.

I have downloaded both FM3-Edit and Fractal Bot.

This is where I run out of knowledge and talent, what do I do next? Do I need to use a cable? Bluetooth? What software do I use to get from A-B.

I really could do with a step by step, assuming I know nothing other than computing basics.

Thanks in advance!
I'd highly recommend watching Leon Todd's and Cooper Carter's videos on YouTube as a starting point. Cooper Carter has a master class on using the modeler that is also very worthwhile.

Reading the manual(s) several times is also a very good idea as they contain all sorts of useful information.
I just thought that the cab was all part of the sound and that it would be part of the preset to achieve the desired sound.
If the preset is using Factory cabs, then the preset will work as expected. Once you start using 3rd party IR's, then you need to make sure the cab block is pointing to the appropriate cab for that preset.
Got it figured out and working, thanks everyone.

I've waited many years to be able to make that sound and it was worth it.

Best of all, it masks a lot of my playing weaknesses, which makes it sound better to my ears, which in turn makes me feel good and want to pay more, which makes me a better player.

Next I need to familiarise myself with the basic controls so I can more confidently navigate my way round the until
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