Trade of FM9 in exchange for Axe FX 3


New Member
Hi everyone, I purchased a new FM9 mk 2 Turbo a few weeks ago and since most of my work is in the studio and I don't really have use for the floor unit I'm a little sorry I didn't purchase the Axe FX 3.
Today a friend who is planning his band's show offered me to trade with him in exchange for an Axe FX 3 MK2 Standard (not the Turbo version) that is about 3 years old.
Do you think this is a fair exchange? Maybe I'd be better off selling mine and buying a new Axe FX Turbo?
Sell yours and get the turbo is what I would do - more power on turbo twice as many user preset storage etc. - watch for a good deal in sales forum here
Sell yours and get the turbo is what I would do - more power on turbo twice as many user preset storage etc. - watch for a good deal in sales forum here
The only difference between the MK II & the Turbo is the processor speed. They both have the same memory/number of preset locations. If the OP is not pushing the CPU on the FM9, the MK II should be fine unless they do want to make more extravagant & complicated presets. One thing you would be giving up in the trade is a warranty. If that is important, sell your FM9 & get a new MK II or Turbo.
Ah I didnt read it well enough Mark 2 has the twice as much preset space - you are correct- so that deal may be worth doing - turbo doesnt make much of a difference but preset space to me is a big deal
That's a trade I would jump on. It's a pretty fair trade going by sold listings on the auction sites. I have a Mk I that I've had since 2019 and use a lot of ambient presets with dual delay and reverb blocks as well as multitap and plex delays and have yet to run into CPU issues.

Selling your FM9 and buying the Axe III Turbo is likely going to require you adding at least another $500. There's not many FM9's going for $2000 anymore. Should you want a controller in the future, the FC-6 can be added for around $500.
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