FM3 The Yngwie Challenge

JD Elliott

I was going through my backing tracks on my hard drive last night and stumbled on this old backing track of Yngwie Malmsteen which I think featured in an old Young Guitarist magazine tutorial years ago where he records a solo and leaves a couple of gaps for somebody else to solo with him. I thought I would have a bash. I used to use this in my keyboard days but never did a guitar version. I'm by no means a shredder or neo classical player but thought it would be fun to see if I can keep up on my Les Paul vs his scalloped neck, 8s stringed strat lol. Just a bit of fun . . . Probably not the best thing to do after getting attacked by a dog last week leaving my left arm in tatters but healing ok now lol :)

Using a self made Plexi patch on my FM3.

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