The New Dream Theater Single and Ballad-Along For The Ride.

Too much LaBrie, not enough everybody else. But overall, a non-controversial track. Nothing to hate, not much to love either.
arrrg, havent listened yet but hate their obligatory ballads; seems its a way of appeasing labrie for all the others jamming so much. He is so breathy and makes me cringe when he cant reach the high notes. I still enjoy him in DT, he IS DT but uggggggggggggggggg the ballads are horrific. Its not like they sell albums because of THEM. Ok now listening, its better than some previous ones, got some riffage from Petrucci. Some.

Not sure I dig the 'Pan Pipes' keyboard thing that Rudess is using these days, but I guess the old Saw Wave had to slip by the wayside at some point! ;)

Enjoyed the other new track more after a few listens, so perhaps this one will be the same... although given its 'accessible' nature, I'm not certain that there much more left to come from the song

Love 'em all the same though of course :encouragement:
I'm not a huge fan of their ballads either, but this might be the best "ballad" they've ever released! If this is the worst song on the album (as most of their ballads are), IMO we are in for a treat with the rest of the album.
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