The FM9 Sells itself at the gig


Fractal Fanatic
Quick background....9 years ago I sold my AxeFXII to our lead guitarist singer. It's served him very well, although by current standards the programming using his Behringer FCB1010 is very, very awkward, to the point where we'd be hard pressed today to remember exactly where to begin.

Last night we had a gig, my maiden run for the FM9 (I'm using it on worked great and sound was excellent). Our guitarist was checking it out and we started talking about how much more practical the FM9 is vs. the rackmounted AxeFxII. I ran him through a few basics on the unit and he's pretty much sold on the idea of getting an FM9. But now he needs to find a buyer for his AxeFxII/FCB1010/Atomic CLR rig, in order to finance the purchase. :p
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