THD flexi + Ultra = amazing


I love this combo! I am running them through my avatar 2x12 with celestion30's and it sounds so great! It cleans up really nicely but with just a little volume I get great overdrive! is anyone else using this set up? :cool:
I love this combo! I am running them through my avatar 2x12 with celestion30's and it sounds so great! It cleans up really nicely but with just a little volume I get great overdrive! is anyone else using this set up? :cool:

My Flexi has been my main amp for 2.5 years but have been neglecting it since I got my axe-fx. How are you running it?

FWIW, I was able to get VERY close (at least to my ears anyway) to my Flexi using one of the plexi models (can't remember which one) using my art sla-1 and my THD 4x12 in about 10 minutes of tweaking. The beauty is that I get the tone without the noise; I may be in the minority here, but I love the gate, especially for live playing.
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