Thanks to all that help out in this forum !


Reading this forum gave me the confidence to purchase an Ultra without testing it out in person. Thanks guys !
I have had my new Ultra for a week now and am still learning to get around on it... slowly.
I hooked it up straight out of the box to a tiny amp and still could hear the quality of the tones and dynamics in the stock presets.
Last night, I opened a previous session in Pro-Tools and popped in a test track with the Ultra direct, a Suhr strat, and a stock preset. It sat perfectly in it's sonic space of the mix, and I doubt another engineer would be able to tell that it wasn't recorded with a amp and mike.
Don't get me wrong, I own a number of great sounding tube amps but, after hearing the Ultra and it's sonic possibilities they may be get a overdue rest. (As well as my back).

Welcome Timmy D!!!!


Welcome to a very cool board for a *very* cool product! Most of us here are still learning this monster like you, but that's what makes it fun! :eek: The main reason for this is that Cliff keeps updating & improving the Axe-FX feature set (more so than any product I've ever owned), and this keeps us on our toes & our minds agile considering all the new possibilities!

Enjoy the ride! :p :shock: :p

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